You can use this BOT as a distribution of messages from any telegram chats (private/public channels, private/public groups, direct chats) into one or many chat.
Initially, the bot was created only for myself. I need to understand if the bot is necessary for other users, please dm me, and in future I will be update the bot.
➡️ BOT: @Auto_Forward_Messages_Bot (
🌎 Home Page:
📖 Document:
— User-friendly Dashboard
— Bot to forward messages from one channel to other without admin permission in source channel (public or private)
— Bot can also be used for Restricted Channels/Groups/Topic/Users/Bots.
— Forwards Topic to Topic, Channel/Group/Chat to Topic and vice versa
— Forward case: A -> B -> C
— Clone history message (channel/group/topic/bots/users...etc.)
— Highest performance (up to 600 msg/min)
— Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
— Replace and remove texts (words, usernames, URLs)
— Filter messages (Images, Media, Text ..etc)
— Clean messages (URL, URL Preview, Text, Video ..etc)
— Remove Line with keyword
— Whitelist and Blacklist keywords/user_id/user_name
— Add a Header and/or Footer to each message
— Translate messages from Source to Target
— Replicate edited and deleted messages from source
— Add delay to messages
— Clone chats from Source to Target (support Blacklist, Whitelist, Replace, Cleaner, Filters)
— Forward or rewrite mode
— Crypto Filters
— MMO Utils
— Filter Duplicates
— Whitelist users in group
— And many more features
❓ If you have any issues or questions about this bot, contact us @redf0x1 (
Q: How to start using this bot? A: Click the link then click the button start when Telegram comes up and follow the instructions.
Q: Does the bot need admin permissions in a channel/group it forwards from? **A: **No
Q: Does the bot need admin permissions in a channel/group it forwards to? A: No
Q: Can I forward content when the channel is on "Restrict saving content"? A: Yes
Q: Can I filter out media, video, stickers etc? A: Yes
Q: Can I set up automatic forwarding from another bot? A: Yes
Q: Can I set up automatic forwarding from topic (supper group ) to channel/group/bots/chat? A: Yes
Q: I don't have a link of a chat, group. Can I still setup forwarding from it? A: Yes. This bot can forward from every channel your account has access to.
Q: How much does this bot cost? A: Unlike other bots of this kind. This BOT is completely FREE and unlimited messages.
Q: Why use this over other bots? A: The main reason I made this bot is because other bots of this kind have bad performance. Most premium bots can't even get close to 20 messages per minutes and on high peak times they will start delaying your messages by up to 1min.
Q: I'm having trouble using the bot. Where can I get help?
Q: I'm having trouble using the bot. Where can I get help? A: Yes, you can contact us with telegram @redf0x1 (
Q: Can I filter messages and edit the content?
A: Yes, absolutely you can filter the message in whatever way you want and also edit the messages as per wish. You can change user names , modify urls, add images , etc. Below is one of many examples.