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101 requesting automatic termination of search after x time or y results
TreWilkinsRC authored Jul 10, 2023


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sandhose Quentin Gliech
2 parents 7fedd92 + fb76b9b commit 0fcb4dc
Showing 11 changed files with 245 additions and 15 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions products/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,14 +55,16 @@ class CortexXDR(Product):
_session: requests.Session
_queries: dict[Tag, list[Query]]
_last_request: float
_limit: int = 1000 # Max is 1000 results otherwise have to get the results via stream

def __init__(self, profile: str, creds_file: str, **kwargs):
if not os.path.isfile(creds_file):
raise ValueError(f'Credential file {creds_file} does not exist')

self.creds_file = creds_file
self._queries = dict()

if self._limit >= int(kwargs.get('limit',0)) > 0:
self._limit = int(kwargs['limit'])
self._last_request = 0.0

super().__init__(self.product, profile, **kwargs)
@@ -227,13 +229,12 @@ def nested_process_search(self, tag: Tag, criteria: dict, base_query: dict) -> N
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self._echo("Caught CTRL-C. Returning what we have...")

def _get_xql_results(self, query_id: str, limit: int = 1000) -> Tuple[dict, int]:
actual_limit = limit if limit < 1000 else 1000 # Max is 1000 results otherwise have to get the results via stream
def _get_xql_results(self, query_id: str) -> Tuple[dict, int]:
params = {
'request_data': {
'query_id': query_id,
'pending_flag': True,
'limit': actual_limit,
'limit': self._limit,
'format': 'json'
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions products/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -42,13 +42,17 @@ class DefenderForEndpoints(Product):
product: str = 'dfe'
creds_file: str # path to credential configuration file
_token: str # AAD access token
_limit: int = -1

def __init__(self, profile: str, creds_file: str, **kwargs):
if not os.path.isfile(creds_file):
raise ValueError(f'Credential file {creds_file} does not exist')

self.creds_file = creds_file

if 100000 >= int(kwargs.get('limit', -1)) > self._limit:
self._limit = int(kwargs['limit'])

super().__init__(self.product, profile, **kwargs)

def _authenticate(self) -> None:
@@ -139,6 +143,9 @@ def process_search(self, tag: Tag, base_query: dict, query: str) -> None:

query += f" {self.build_query(base_query)}" if base_query != {} else ''

if self._limit > 0 and 'limit' not in query:
query += f" | limit {str(self._limit)}"

self.log.debug(f'Query: {query}')
full_query = {'Query': query}

@@ -158,6 +165,7 @@ def nested_process_search(self, tag: Tag, criteria: dict, base_query: dict) -> N
query_entry = terms
query_entry += f" {query_base}" if query_base != '' else ''

self.process_search(tag, {}, query_entry)
all_terms = ', '.join(f"'{term}'" for term in terms)
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions products/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ class SentinelOne(Product):
product: str = 's1'
creds_file: str # path to credential configuration file
_limit: int = 1000 # Default limit set to PowerQuery's default of 1000.
_token: str # AAD access token
_url: str # URL of SentinelOne console
_site_id: Optional[str] # Site ID for SentinelOne
@@ -98,6 +99,16 @@ def __init__(self, profile: str, creds_file: str, account_id: Optional[list[str]
self._query_base = None
self._pq = pq

# If no conditions match, the default limit will be set to PowerQuery's default of 1000.
if self._pq and self._limit >= int(kwargs.get('limit',0)) > 0:
self._limit = int(kwargs['limit'])

elif not self._pq and 20000 > int(kwargs.get('limit',0)) > 0:
self._limit = int(kwargs['limit'])

elif not self._pq:
self._limit = 20000

self._last_request = 0.0

# Save these values to `self` for reference in _authenticate()
@@ -338,7 +349,7 @@ def build_query(self, filters: dict) -> Tuple[str, datetime, datetime]:
return query_base, from_date, to_date

def _get_all_paginated_data(self, url: str, params: Optional[dict] = None, headers: Optional[dict] = None,
key: str = 'data', after_request: Optional[Callable] = None, limit: int = 1000,
key: str = 'data', after_request: Optional[Callable] = None,
no_progress: bool = True, progress_desc: str = 'Retrieving data',
add_default_params: bool = True) -> list[dict]:
@@ -371,7 +382,7 @@ def _get_all_paginated_data(self, url: str, params: Optional[dict] = None, heade
if add_default_params:

params['limit'] = limit
params['limit'] = self._limit

if headers is None:
headers = dict()
@@ -603,7 +614,7 @@ def _run_query(self, merged_query: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime
"fromDate": datetime_to_epoch_millis(start_date),
"toDate": datetime_to_epoch_millis(end_date),
"limit": 20000,
"limit": self._limit,
"query": merged_query

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions products/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -38,10 +38,12 @@ def _convert_relative_time(relative_time) -> str:
class CbEnterpriseEdr(Product):
product: str = 'cbc'
_conn: CBCloudAPI # CB Cloud API
_limit: int = -1

def __init__(self, profile: str, **kwargs):
self._device_group = kwargs['device_group'] if 'device_group' in kwargs else None
self._device_policy = kwargs['device_policy'] if 'device_group' in kwargs else None
self._limit = int(kwargs['limit']) if 'limit' in kwargs else self._limit

super().__init__(self.product, profile, **kwargs)

@@ -118,6 +120,9 @@ def perform_query(self, tag: Tag, base_query: dict, query: str) -> set[Result]:
result = Result(hostname, user, proc_name, cmdline, (ts, proc_guid,))

if self._limit > 0 and len(results)+1 > self._limit:

except cbc_sdk.errors.ApiError as e:
self._echo(f'CbC SDK Error (see log for details): {e}', logging.ERROR)
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions products/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
class CbResponse(Product):
product: str = 'cbr'
_conn: CbEnterpriseResponseAPI # CB Response API
_limit: int = -1

def __init__(self, profile: str, **kwargs):
self._sensor_group = kwargs['sensor_group'] if 'sensor_group' in kwargs else None
self._limit = int(kwargs['limit']) if 'limit' in kwargs else self._limit

super().__init__(self.product, profile, **kwargs)

@@ -58,6 +60,10 @@ def process_search(self, tag: Tag, base_query: dict, query: str) -> None:
result = Result(proc.hostname.lower(), proc.username.lower(), proc.path, proc.cmdline,

if self._limit > 0 and len(results)+1 > self._limit:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
self._echo("Caught CTRL-C. Returning what we have . . .")

@@ -89,6 +95,9 @@ def nested_process_search(self, tag: Tag, criteria: dict, base_query: dict) -> N
result = Result(proc.hostname.lower(), proc.username.lower(), proc.path, proc.cmdline,
if self._limit > 0 and len(results)+1 > self._limit:

except Exception as e:
self._echo(f'Error (see log for details): {e}', logging.ERROR)
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class ExecutionOptions:
days: Optional[int]
minutes: Optional[int]
username: Optional[str]
limit: Optional[int]
ioc_file: Optional[str]
ioc_type: Optional[str]
query: Optional[str]
@@ -106,6 +107,17 @@ class ExecutionOptions:
@click.option("--profile", help="The credentials profile to use.", type=click.STRING)
@click.option("--days", help="Number of days to search.", type=click.INT)
@click.option("--minutes", help="Number of minutes to search.", type=click.INT)
Number of results to return. Cortex XDR: Default: 1000, Max: Default
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: Default/Max: 100000
SentinelOne (PowerQuery): Default/Max: 1000
SentinelOne (Deep Visibility): Default/Max: 20000
VMware Carbon Black EDR: Default/Max: None
VMware Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR: Default/Max: None
Note: Exceeding the maximum limits will automatically set the limit to its maximum value, where applicable.
, type=click.INT)
@click.option("--hostname", help="Target specific host by name.", type=click.STRING)
@click.option("--username", help="Target specific username.")
# different ways you can survey the EDR
@@ -127,14 +139,14 @@ class ExecutionOptions:
@click.option("--log-dir", 'log_dir', help="Specify the logging directory.", type=click.STRING, default='logs')
def cli(ctx, prefix: Optional[str], hostname: Optional[str], profile: str, days: Optional[int], minutes: Optional[int],
username: Optional[str],
username: Optional[str], limit: Optional[int],
ioc_file: Optional[str], ioc_type: Optional[str], query: Optional[str], output: Optional[str],
def_dir: Optional[str], def_file: Optional[str], no_file: bool, no_progress: bool,
sigma_rule: Optional[str], sigma_dir: Optional[str],
log_dir: str) -> None:

ctx.obj = ExecutionOptions(prefix, hostname, profile, days, minutes, username, ioc_file, ioc_type, query, output,
ctx.obj = ExecutionOptions(prefix, hostname, profile, days, minutes, username, limit, ioc_file, ioc_type, query, output,
def_dir, def_file, sigma_rule, sigma_dir, no_file, no_progress, log_dir, dict())

if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
@@ -265,6 +277,10 @@ def survey(ctx, product_str: str = 'cbr') -> None:
if len(opt.product_args) > 0:

if opt.limit:
kwargs['limit'] = str(opt.limit)

kwargs['tqdm_echo'] = str(not opt.no_progress)

# instantiate a product class instance based on the product string
61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,6 +8,31 @@
from products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints import DefenderForEndpoints
from common import Tag

def test_init_lower_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(DefenderForEndpoints, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
dfe_product = DefenderForEndpoints(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, limit=-2)
assert dfe_product._limit == -1

def test_init_upper_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(DefenderForEndpoints, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
dfe_product = DefenderForEndpoints(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, limit=100001)
assert dfe_product._limit == -1

def test_init_lower_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(DefenderForEndpoints, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
dfe_product = DefenderForEndpoints(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, limit=10)
assert dfe_product._limit == 10

def dfe_product():
with patch.object(DefenderForEndpoints, "__init__", lambda x, y: None):
@@ -40,15 +65,29 @@ def test_build_query_with_unsupported_field(dfe_product: DefenderForEndpoints, m

assert dfe_product.build_query(filters) == ''

def test_process_search_limit_option(dfe_product: DefenderForEndpoints, mocker):
query = 'DeviceFileEvents | where FileName = "foo bar"'
full_query = 'DeviceFileEvents | where FileName = "foo bar" | limit 5'
dfe_product._limit = 5

mocked_post_advanced_query = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._post_advanced_query')
mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._get_default_header', return_value=None)

dfe_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
dfe_product._token = 'test_token_value'
dfe_product.process_search(Tag('test123'), {}, query)
mocked_post_advanced_query.assert_called_once_with(data={'Query': full_query}, headers=None)

def test_process_search(dfe_product : DefenderForEndpoints, mocker):
Verify process_search() does not alter a given query
query = 'DeviceFileEvents | where FileName="foo bar"'

mocked_post_advanced_query = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._post_advanced_query')
mocked_add_results = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._add_results')
mocked_get_default_headers = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._get_default_header', return_value=None)
mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._get_default_header', return_value=None)

dfe_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
dfe_product._token = 'test_token_value'
@@ -87,6 +126,20 @@ def test_nested_process_search(dfe_product : DefenderForEndpoints, mocker):

def test_nested_process_search_limit_option(dfe_product: DefenderForEndpoints, mocker):
query = 'DeviceImageLoadEvents | where FileName = "foo bar"'
full_query = 'DeviceImageLoadEvents | where FileName = "foo bar" | limit 5'
dfe_product._limit = 5

mocked_post_advanced_query = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._post_advanced_query')
mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._get_default_header', return_value=None)

dfe_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
dfe_product._token = 'test_token_value'
dfe_product.nested_process_search(Tag('test123'), {'query': query}, {})
mocked_post_advanced_query.assert_called_once_with(data={'Query': full_query}, headers=None)

def test_nested_process_search_unsupported_field(dfe_product : DefenderForEndpoints, mocker):
Verify nested_process_search() gracefully handles an unsupported field in a definition file
@@ -113,8 +166,8 @@ def test_process_search_build_query(dfe_product : DefenderForEndpoints, mocker):

mocked_post_advanced_query = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._post_advanced_query')
mocked_add_results = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._add_results')
mocked_get_default_headers = mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._get_default_header', return_value=None)
mocker.patch('products.microsoft_defender_for_endpoints.DefenderForEndpoints._get_default_header', return_value=None)

dfe_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
dfe_product._token = 'test_token_value'
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,6 +9,50 @@
from products.sentinel_one import SentinelOne, Query
from common import Tag

def test_init_dv_lower_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(SentinelOne, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
s1_product = SentinelOne(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, account_id=None, site_id=None, account_name=None, pq=False, limit = -1)
assert s1_product._limit == 20000

def test_init_dv_upper_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(SentinelOne, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')

s1_product = SentinelOne(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, account_id=None, site_id=None, account_name=None, pq=False, limit = 30000)
assert s1_product._limit == 20000

def test_init_dv_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(SentinelOne, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
s1_product = SentinelOne(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, account_id=None, site_id=None, account_name=None, pq=False, limit = 5)
assert s1_product._limit == 5

def test_init_pq_lower_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(SentinelOne, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')

s1_product = SentinelOne(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, account_id=None, site_id=None, account_name=None, pq=True, limit = -1)
assert s1_product._limit == 1000

def test_init_pq_upper_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(SentinelOne, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
s1_product = SentinelOne(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, account_id=None, site_id=None, account_name=None, pq=True, limit = 30000)
assert s1_product._limit == 1000

def test_init_pq_limit_option(tmpdir, mocker):
mocker.patch.object(SentinelOne, '_authenticate')
cred_file_path = tmpdir.mkdir('test_dir').join('test_creds.ini')
s1_product = SentinelOne(profile='default',creds_file=cred_file_path, account_id=None, site_id=None, account_name=None, pq=True, limit = 6)
assert s1_product._limit == 6

def s1_product():
with patch.object(SentinelOne, "__init__", lambda x, y: None):
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def test_ioc_file_with_base_query(runner, mocker):

def test_no_argument_provided(runner):
arguments = ["--deffile", "--profile", "--prefix", "--output", "--defdir", "--iocfile", "--ioctype", "--query", "--hostname", "--days", "--minutes", "--username"]
arguments = ["--deffile", "--profile", "--prefix", "--output", "--defdir", "--iocfile", "--ioctype", "--query", "--hostname", "--days", "--minutes", "--username", "--limit"]

for arg in arguments:
result = runner.invoke(cli, [arg])
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,11 +4,17 @@
import logging
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import random
from unittest.mock import patch
from products.vmware_cb_enterprise_edr import CbEnterpriseEdr
from common import Tag

class MockProcResult():
def get_details(self):
random_num = random.randint(1, 1000)
return {'device_name': f'workstation{random_num}', 'process_username':[f'username{random_num}'], 'process_name':f'proc{random_num}', 'process_cmdline':[f'cmdline{random_num}'], 'device_timestamp': f'ts{random_num}', 'process_guid': f'guid{random_num}'}

def cbc_product():
@@ -128,3 +134,34 @@ def test_nested_process_search(cbc_product : CbEnterpriseEdr, mocker):
for program, criteria in programs.items():
cbc_product.nested_process_search(Tag(program), criteria, {})
cbc_product.perform_query.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=True)

def test_perform_query_with_limit_option(cbc_product : CbEnterpriseEdr, mocker):
cbc_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
cbc_product._device_policy = None
cbc_product._device_group = None
cbc_product._limit = 2

cbc_product._conn = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock(where = mocked_query_return)

assert len(cbc_product.perform_query(Tag('test_tag'), {}, 'process_name:pwsh.exe')) == 2

def test_perform_query_without_limit_option(cbc_product : CbEnterpriseEdr, mocker):
cbc_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
cbc_product._device_policy = None
cbc_product._device_group = None

cbc_product._conn = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock(where = mocked_query_return)

assert len(cbc_product.perform_query(Tag('test_tag'), {}, 'process_name:pwsh.exe')) == 3

def mocked_query_return(full_query: str):
return [
48 changes: 47 additions & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,13 +3,24 @@
import os
import logging
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from unittest.mock import patch
from cbapi.response.models import Process
from products.vmware_cb_response import CbResponse
from common import Tag

@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class MockProcResult:
hostname: str
username: str
path: str
cmdline: str
start: str
id: str

def cbr_product():
with patch.object(CbResponse, "__init__", lambda x, y: None):
@@ -55,6 +66,21 @@ def test_process_search(cbr_product : CbResponse, mocker):'process_name:cmd.exe')

def test_process_search_limit_option(cbr_product : CbResponse, mocker):
cbr_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
cbr_product._sensor_group = None
cbr_product._results = {}
cbr_product._limit = 1
cbr_product._conn = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock(where = mocked_query_return)
cbr_product.process_search(Tag('test_tag'), {}, 'process_name:cmd.exe')

assert len(cbr_product._results[Tag('test_tag')]) == 1

def test_nested_process_search(cbr_product : CbResponse, mocker):
with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests', 'data', 'cbr_surveyor_testing.json')) as f:
programs = json.load(f)
@@ -85,4 +111,24 @@ def test_nested_process_search(cbr_product : CbResponse, mocker):

for program, criteria in programs.items():
cbr_product.nested_process_search(Tag(program), criteria, {}), any_order=True), any_order=True)

def test_nested_process_search_limit_option(cbr_product : CbResponse, mocker):
cbr_product.log = logging.getLogger('pytest_surveyor')
cbr_product._sensor_group = None
cbr_product._results = {}
cbr_product._limit = 1
cbr_product._conn = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock() = mocker.Mock(where = mocked_query_return)
cbr_product.nested_process_search(Tag('test_tag'), {'query':'process_name:cmd.exe'}, {})

assert len(cbr_product._results[Tag('test_tag')]) == 1

def mocked_query_return(query: str):
return [MockProcResult('workstation1','username1','path1','cmdline1','start1','id1'),

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