#No training, no prolog. i18n TypeScript
a Natural Language Processing and Text Manipulation library for Javascript,
small-enough for the browser, and quick-enough to run on keypress and awsome on NodeJS 👬
and a toolkit to develop Natural Language Processing and Text Manipulation in all the languages
NOTE: This is a Work In Progress which we started a while ago for a CMS based on ActivityPub –
not all API methods are implemented here and neither are the dictionaries (coming soon)
var nlp = new NLP();
nlp.set('some text');
// --> "some texts"
nlp.pos('she sells seashells by the seashore').to_past().text()
//she sold seashells by the seashore
/// [or chain them ...]
###Sentence methods
var s= nlp.pos("Tony Danza is dancing").sentences[0]
//"Tony Danza is dancing"
//Tony Danza was dancing
//Tony Danza is dancing
//Tony Danza will be dancing
//Tony Danza is not dancing
//[ 'NNP', 'CP', 'VB' ]
//[{text:"Tony Danza"...}]
//[{text:"Tony Danza"...}]
//[{text:"Tony Danza"...}]
###Noun methods:
nlp.noun('veggie burger').is_plural
nlp.noun('tony danza').is_person
nlp.noun('Tony J. Danza elementary school').is_person
nlp.noun('SS Tony danza').is_person
nlp.inflect('mayors of toronto'))
//{ plural: 'mayors of toronto', singular: 'mayor of toronto' }
###Verb methods:
//{ infinitive: 'walk',
// present: 'walks',
// past: 'walked',
// gerund: 'walking'}
//will swim
###Adjective methods:
// { comparative: 'quicker',
// superlative: 'quickest',
// adverb: 'quickly',
// noun: 'quickness'}
###Adverb methods
// { adjective: 'quick'}
86% on the Penn treebank
nlp.pos("Tony Hawk walked quickly to the store.").tags()
// [ [ 'NNP', 'VBD', 'RB', 'IN', 'DT', 'NN' ] ]
nlp.pos("they would swim").tags()
// [ [ 'PRP', 'MD', 'VBP' ] ]
nlp.pos("the obviously good swim").tags()
// [ [ 'DT', 'RB', 'JJ', 'NN' ] ]"joe carter loves toronto")
// [{text:"joe carter"...}, {text:"toronto"...}]
nlp.sentences("Hi Dr. Miller the price is 4.59 for the U.C.L.A. Ph.Ds.").length
nlp.tokenize("she sells sea-shells").length
70% on the moby hyphenization corpus 0.5k
//[ 'ham', 'bur', 'ger' ]
str= "She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells."
nlp.ngram(str, {min_count:1, max_size:5})
// [{ word: 'she sells', count: 2, size: 2 },
// ...
options.min_count // throws away seldom-repeated grams. defaults to 1
options.max_size // prevents the result from becoming gigantic. defaults to 5
nlp.value("I married April for the 2nd time on June 5th 1998 ").date()
// { text: 'June 5th 1998',
// from: { year: '1998', month: '06', day: '05' },
// to: {} }
nlp.value("two thousand five hundred and sixty").number()
nlp.value("ten and a half million").number()
a hugely-ignorant, and widely subjective transliteration of latin, cryllic, greek unicode characters to english ascii.
and for fun,
nlp.denormalize("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", {percentage:50})
// The ɋӈїck brown fox juӎÞs over tӊe laζy dog
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Please see our Contributing Guidelines.
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Test cases MUST be written using Intern using the Object test interface and Assert assertion interface.
90% branch coverage MUST be provided for all code submitted to this repository, as reported by istanbul’s combined coverage results for all supported platforms.
TODO: If third-party code was used to write this library, make a list of project names and licenses here
© 2014–2015 redaktor foundation & contributors. New BSD license.
Tag | Description | Example |
Verb |
VB | verb, generic (base form) | think |
VBZ | verb, 3rd person singular present | she thinks |
VBP | verb, non-3rd person singular present | I think |
VBD | verb, past tense | they thought |
VBN | verb, past participle | a sunken ship |
VBG | verb, gerund or present participle | thinking is fun |
Noun |
NN | noun, singular or mass | tiger, chair, laughter |
NNS | noun, plural | tigers, chairs, insects |
NNP | noun, proper singular | Germany, God, Alice |
NNPS | noun, proper plural | we met two Christmases ago |
PRP | pronoun, personal | me, you, it |
PRP$ | pronoun, possessive | my, your, our |
Adjective |
JJ | adjective, generic (base form) | nice, easy |
JJR | adjective, comparative | nicer, easier |
JJS | adjective, superlative | nicest, easiest |
Adverb |
RB | adverb, generic (base form) | extremely, loudly, hard |
RBR | adverb, comparative | better |
RBS | adverb, superlative | best |
RP | adverb, particle | about, off, up |
Glue |
CC | conjunction, coordinating | and, or, but |
DT | determiner | the, a, these |
EX | existential there | there were six boys |
FW | foreign word | mais |
IN | conjunction, subordinating or preposition | of, on, before, unless |
MD | verb, modal auxillary | may, should |
UH | interjection | oh, oops, gosh |
Value |
CD | cardinal number | five, three, 13% |
CDV | cardinal value (with unit of measurement or currency) |
220 km/h, 11€ |
DA | date | june 5th, 1998 |
Other |
LS | list item marker | |
SYM | symbol | % |
. | punctuation mark, sentence closer | .;?* |
, | punctuation mark, comma | , |
: | punctuation mark, colon | : |
( | contextual separator, left paren | ( |
) | contextual separator, right paren | ) |
🚧 TODO |
not implemented yet properly: | |
TO | infinitival to | what to do? |
WDT | wh-determiner | which, whatever, whichever |
WP | wh-pronoun, personal | what, who, whom |
WP$ | wh-pronoun, possessive | whose, whosever |
WRB | wh-adverb | where, when |
PDT | predeterminer | both his children |
Tag | Description | Words | Example | % |
NP | noun phrase | DT+RB+JJ+NN + PR | the strange bird | 51 |
PP | prepositional phrase | TO+IN | in between | 19 |
VP | verb phrase | RB+MD+VB | was looking | 9 |
ADVP | adverb phrase | RB | also | 6 |
ADJP | adjective phrase | CC+RB+JJ | warm and cosy | 3 |
SBAR | subordinating conjunction | IN | whether or not | 3 |
PRT | particle | RP | up the stairs | 1 |
INTJ | interjection | UH | hello | < 1 |