Swiss knife in pocket of every upgrade architect!
composer require rector/swiss-knife --dev
Do you use Git? Then merge conflicts is not what you want in your code ever to see in pushed code:
<<<<<<< HEAD
Add this command to CI to spot these:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife check-conflicts .
Have you ever forgot commented code in your code?
// foreach ($matches as $match) {
// $content = str_replace($match[0], $match[2], $content);
// }
No more! Add this command to CI to spot these:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife check-commented-code <directory>
vendor/bin/swiss-knife check-commented-code packages --line-limit 5
To make PSR-4 work properly, each class must be in its own file. This command makes it easy to spot multiple classes in single file:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife find-multi-classes src
Is your class in wrong namespace? Make it match your PSR-4 root:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife namespace-to-psr-4 src --namespace-root "App\\"
This will update all files in your /src
directory, to starts with App\\
and follow full PSR-4 path:
# file path: src/Repository/TalkRepository.php
-namespace Model;
+namespace App\Repository;
Do you want to finalize all classes that don't have children?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife finalize-classes src tests
Do you use mocks but not bypass final yet?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife finalize-classes src tests --skip-mocked
This will keep mocked classes non-final, so PHPUnit can extend them internally.
Do you want to skip file or two?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife finalize-classes src tests --skip-file src/SpecialProxy.php
PHPStan can report unused private class constants, but it skips all the public ones. Do you have lots of class constants, all of them public but want to narrow scope to privates?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife privatize-constants src test
This command will:
- find all class constant usages
- scans classes and constants
- makes those constant used locally
That way all the constants not used outside will be made private
Imagine there is a service that has 6 dependencies in __construct()
final class RealClass
public function __construct(
private readonly FirstService $firstService,
private readonly SecondService $secondService,
private readonly ThirdService $thirdService,
private readonly FourthService $fourthService,
private readonly FifthService $fifthService,
private readonly SixthService $sixthService
) {
But we want to mock only one of them:
use Rector\SwissKnife\Testing\MockWire;
// pass a mock
$thirdDependencyMock = $this->createMock(ThirdDependency::class);
$thirdDependencyMock->method('someMethod')->willReturn('some value');
$realClass = MockWire::create(RealClass::class, [
Or pass direct instance:
$realClass = MockWire::create(RealClass::class, [
new ThirdDependency()
The rest of argument will be mocked automatically.
This way we:
- can easily change the class constructor, without having burden of changing all the tests.
- see what is really being used in the constructor
- avoid any mock-mess clutter properties all over our test
Data beats guess. Do you need a quick idea how many files contain $this->get('...')
calls? Or another anti-pattern you want to remove?
PhpStorm helps with similar search, but stops counting at 100+. To get exact data about your codebase, use this command:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife search-regex "#this->get\((.*)\)#"
Going through 1053 *.php files
Searching for regex: #this->get\((.*)\)#
1053/1053 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
* src/Controller/ProjectController.php: 15
* src/Controller/OrderController.php: 5
[OK] Found 20 cases in 2 files
The nelmio/alice
package allows to use PHP for test fixture definitions. It's much better format, because Rector and PHPStan can understand it.
But what if we have 100+ YAML files in our project?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife convert-alice-yaml-to-php fixtures
That's it!
Symfony 5.3 introduced amazing config builders, but those classes are not available for IDE until used. To make it easier, we added a command that generates all config builder classes you project can use, in /var/cache/Symfony
vendor/bin/swiss-knife generate-symfony-config-builders
That way IDE, PHPStan after adding those paths and Rector can understand your config files better.
What is trait has 5 lines and used in single service? We know it's better to be inlined, to empower IDE, Rector and PHPStan. But don't have time to worry about these details.
We made a command to automate this process and spot the traits most likely to be inlined:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife spot-lazy-traits src
By default, the commands look for traits used max 2-times. To change that:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife spot-lazy-traits src --max-used 4
That's it! Run this command once upon a time or run it in CI to eliminate traits with low value to exists. Your code will be more robuts and easier to work with.
Do you have a project that uses 5 private repositories? And another one that uses different 3 private repositories? Are their open-source dependencies up to date?
In such situations, we want to get a quick idea about the weakest link. Do all those repositories use the same version of "symfony/console"? What about their min PHP versions?
That's where multi-package-composer-stats
comes. Feed it the links to dependency repositories you want to know versions for:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife multi-package-composer-stats private-company/private-repository.git \
Do you want to compare the main projects and themselves and fetch their dependencies automatically? Provide urls to the repositories and the --is-source
vendor/bin/swiss-knife multi-package-composer-stats private-company/first-project.git \
Now all the dependencies are fetched per provided project from the "repositories"
section of composer.json
Do you have a huge Symfony config file that is hard to navigate? Do you want to split it to per-package files?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife split-config-per-package config/config_dev.php --output-dir config/packages/dev
All the extensions will be extracted to separate files in config/packages/dev
directory. Not only the configs will be much more readable, but you can make use of Symfony 5.3: Config Builder Classes.
That's it!
Happy coding!