Simple client wrapper class for the GA Measurement Protocol v1. Requires curl.
- Server-side pageview and event tracking with GA
- Associates server-side events to a current GA session's client ID, by parsing 'clientId' from _ga cookie (if exists)
- Supports debug mode for GA's hit validation endpoint
- Does not handle batch payloads, yet
Pretty straightforward, just drop in and go.
// drop in the class
require_once 'lib/gamp.php';
// init with your GA Site ID
$gamp = new gamp( 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X' );
// set pageview
(bool) $hit = $gamp->pageview( '/url/to/track', 'My Page Title' );
// set event
(bool) $hit = $gamp->event( 'Test', 'GAMP-Event-Hit' );
Also supports a 'debug' option, based on GA's hit validation docs.
require_once 'lib/gamp.php';
$gamp = new gamp( 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X' );
// I can haz debug
$gamp->debug = true;
// set pageview + event
$hit = $gamp->pageview();
$hit = $gamp->event( 'Test', 'GAMP-Event-Hit' );
// wassup
print_r( $gamp->log );