Joe Beda - @jbeda on Twitter - from Heptio and Kubernetes fame records each Friday a TGIK episode live on Youtube.
During the live stream he looks into interesting Kubernetes topics and covers one of these during the usually one hour long recording. They topics range from installing a Kubernetes cluster to using a cluster or add-ons running on Kubernetes.
There is now an official playlist repository under the Heptio's GitHub user. Please go and take a look at
The quality and content of the episodes is super dope.
There is already a playlist on YouTube for these recordings.
But to make it easier to read through the show notes and find content for the particular episodes I put the information from YouTube into this repository.
Please contact me via @recollir if you have questions or suggestions regarding this repository. Any mix up here is entirely by me (and not by Heptio nor Joe).
Reach out to Heptio via @heptio or directly to Joe via @jbeda if you have questions regarding TGIK.