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WIP: Start migrating ClosureSpacingRule to SwiftSyntax
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TODO: Implement corrections
  • Loading branch information
jpsim committed Aug 14, 2022
1 parent 1597031 commit 337c168
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 158 deletions.
272 changes: 114 additions & 158 deletions Source/SwiftLintFramework/Rules/Style/ClosureSpacingRule.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
import Foundation
import SourceKittenFramework
import SwiftSyntax

extension NSRange {
private func equals(_ other: NSRange) -> Bool {
return NSEqualRanges(self, other)

private func isStrictSubset(of other: NSRange) -> Bool {
if equals(other) { return false }
return NSUnionRange(self, other).equals(other)

fileprivate func isStrictSubset(in others: [NSRange]) -> Bool {
return others.contains(where: isStrictSubset)

public struct ClosureSpacingRule: CorrectableRule, ConfigurationProviderRule, OptInRule {
public struct ClosureSpacingRule: ConfigurationProviderRule, OptInRule, SourceKitFreeRule {
public var configuration = SeverityConfiguration(.warning)

public init() {}
Expand All @@ -30,177 +16,147 @@ public struct ClosureSpacingRule: CorrectableRule, ConfigurationProviderRule, Op
Example("[].map ({ $0.description })"),
Example("[].filter { $0.contains(location) }"),
Example("extension UITableViewCell: ReusableView { }"),
Example("extension UITableViewCell: ReusableView {}")
Example("extension UITableViewCell: ReusableView {}"),
Example(#"let r = /\{\}/"#, excludeFromDocumentation: true)
triggeringExamples: [
Example("[].filter↓{ $0.contains(location) }"),
Example("(↓{each in return result.contains(where: ↓{e in return e}) }).count"),
Example("filter ↓{ sorted ↓{ $0 < $1}}")
corrections: [
Example("[].filter({ $0.contains(location) })"),
Example("[].map({ $0 })"),
// Nested braces `{ {} }` do not get corrected on the first pass.
Example("filter ↓{sorted { $0 < $1}}"):
Example("filter { sorted { $0 < $1} }"),
// The user has to run tool again to fix remaining nested violations.
Example("filter { sorted ↓{ $0 < $1} }"):
Example("filter { sorted { $0 < $1 } }"),
Example("(↓{each in return result.contains(where: {e in return 0})}).count"):
Example("({ each in return result.contains(where: {e in return 0}) }).count"),
// second pass example
Example("({ each in return result.contains(where: ↓{e in return 0}) }).count"):
Example("({ each in return result.contains(where: { e in return 0 }) }).count")

// this helps cut down the time to search through a file by
// skipping lines that do not have at least one `{` and one `}` brace
private func lineContainsBraces(in range: NSRange, content: NSString) -> NSRange? {
let start = content.range(of: "{", options: [.literal], range: range)
guard start.length != 0 else { return nil }
let end = content.range(of: "}", options: [.literal, .backwards], range: range)
guard end.length != 0 else { return nil }
guard start.location < end.location else { return nil }
return NSRange(location: start.location, length: end.location - start.location + 1)
public func validate(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [StyleViolation] {
guard let tree = file.syntaxTree else {
return []

// returns ranges of braces `{` or `}` in the same line
private func validBraces(in file: SwiftLintFile) -> [NSRange] {
let nsstring = file.contents.bridge()
let bracePattern = regex("\\{|\\}")
let linesTokens = file.syntaxTokensByLines
let kindsToExclude = SyntaxKind.commentAndStringKinds

// find all lines and occurrences of open { and closed } braces
var linesWithBraces = [[NSRange]]()
for eachLine in file.lines {
guard let nsrange = lineContainsBraces(in: eachLine.range, content: nsstring) else {
let locationConverter = SourceLocationConverter(file: file.path ?? "<nopath>", tree: tree)
let visitor = MultilineClosureRuleVisitor(locationConverter: locationConverter)
return visitor
.walk(file: file, handler: \.sortedPositions)
.map { position in
StyleViolation(ruleDescription: Self.description,
severity: configuration.severity,
location: Location(file: file, byteOffset: ByteCount(position)))

let braces = bracePattern.matches(in: file.contents, options: [],
range: nsrange).map { $0.range }
// filter out braces in comments and strings
let tokens = linesTokens[eachLine.index].filter {
guard let tokenKind = $0.kind else { return false }
return kindsToExclude.contains(tokenKind)
let tokenRanges = tokens.compactMap {
linesWithBraces.append(braces.filter({ !$0.intersects(tokenRanges) }))
return linesWithBraces.flatMap { $0 }
private final class MultilineClosureRuleVisitor: SyntaxVisitor {
var positions: [AbsolutePosition] = []
var sortedPositions: [AbsolutePosition] { positions.sorted() }
let locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter

init(locationConverter: SourceLocationConverter) {
self.locationConverter = locationConverter

// find ranges where violation exist. Returns ranges sorted by location.
private func findViolations(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [NSRange] {
// match open braces to corresponding closing braces
func matchBraces(validBraceLocations: [NSRange]) -> [NSRange] {
if validBraceLocations.isEmpty { return [] }
var validBraces = validBraceLocations
var ranges = [NSRange]()
var bracesAsString ={
file.contents.substring(from: $0.location, length: $0.length)
while let foundRange = bracesAsString.range(of: "{}") {
let startIndex = bracesAsString.distance(from: bracesAsString.startIndex,
to: foundRange.lowerBound)
let location = validBraces[startIndex].location
let length = validBraces[startIndex + 1 ].location + 1 - location
ranges.append(NSRange(location: location, length: length))
bracesAsString.replaceSubrange(foundRange, with: "")
validBraces.removeSubrange(startIndex...startIndex + 1)
return ranges
override func visitPost(_ node: ClosureExprSyntax) {
guard node.parent?.is(PostfixUnaryExprSyntax.self) == false else {
// Workaround for Regex literals

// matching ranges of `{...}`
return matchBraces(validBraceLocations: validBraces(in: file))
.filter {
// removes enclosing brances to just content
let content = file.contents.substring(from: $0.location + 1, length: $0.length - 2)
if content.isEmpty || content == " " {
// case when {} is not a closure
return false
let cleaned = content.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
return content != " " + cleaned + " "
.sorted {
$0.location < $1.location
guard let startLine = node.startLocation(converter: self.locationConverter).line,
let endLine = node.endLocation(converter: self.locationConverter).line,
startLine == endLine, // Only check single-line closures
(node.rightBrace.position.utf8Offset - node.leftBrace.position.utf8Offset) > 1 // That aren't '{}'
else {

public func validate(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [StyleViolation] {
return findViolations(file: file).compactMap {
StyleViolation(ruleDescription: Self.description,
severity: configuration.severity,
location: Location(file: file, characterOffset: $0.location))
let violationPosition = node.positionAfterSkippingLeadingTrivia
if !node.leftBrace.hasSingleSpaceToItsLeft && !node.leftBrace.previousTokenIsAllowed &&
!node.leftBrace.hasLeadingNewline {
} else if !node.leftBrace.hasSingleSpaceToItsRight {
} else if !node.rightBrace.hasSingleSpaceToItsLeft {
} else if !node.rightBrace.hasSingleSpaceToItsRight && !node.rightBrace.nextTokenIsRightParenOrEOF &&
!node.rightBrace.hasAllowedNoSpaceToken && !node.rightBrace.hasTrailingLineComment {

// this will try to avoid nested ranges `{{}{}}` in single line
private func removeNested(_ ranges: [NSRange]) -> [NSRange] {
return ranges.filter { current in
return !current.isStrictSubset(in: ranges)
extension TokenSyntax {
var previousTokenIsAllowed: Bool {
parent?.previousToken?.tokenKind == .leftParen || parent?.previousToken?.tokenKind == .leftSquareBracket

var nextTokenIsRightParenOrEOF: Bool {
(parent?.nextToken?.tokenKind == .rightParen) ||
(parent?.nextToken?.tokenKind == .eof)

var hasSingleSpaceToItsLeft: Bool {
leadingTriviaLength.utf8Length +
(previousToken?.trailingTriviaLength.utf8Length ?? 0) == 1

public func correct(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [Correction] {
var matches = removeNested(findViolations(file: file)).filter {
file.ruleEnabled(violatingRanges: [$0], for: self).isNotEmpty
var hasSingleSpaceToItsRight: Bool {
if case let .spaces(spaces) = trailingTrivia.first, spaces == 1 {
return true
guard matches.isNotEmpty else { return [] }

// `matches` should be sorted by location from `findViolations`.
let start = NSRange(location: 0, length: 0)
let end = NSRange(location: file.contents.utf16.count, length: 0)
matches.insert(start, at: 0)

var fixedSections = [String]()

var matchIndex = 0
while matchIndex < matches.count - 1 {
defer { matchIndex += 1 }
// inverses the ranges to select non rule violation content
let current = matches[matchIndex].location + matches[matchIndex].length
let nextMatch = matches[matchIndex + 1]
let next = nextMatch.location
let length = next - current
let nonViolationContent = file.contents.substring(from: current, length: length)
if nonViolationContent.isNotEmpty {
// selects violation ranges and fixes them before adding back in
if nextMatch.length > 1 {
let violation = file.contents.substring(from: nextMatch.location + 1,
length: nextMatch.length - 2)
let cleaned = "{ " + violation.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) + " }"

// Catch all. Break at the end of loop.
if next == end.location { break }
return trailingTriviaLength.utf8Length +
(nextToken?.leadingTriviaLength.utf8Length ?? 0) == 1

var hasLeadingNewline: Bool {
leadingTrivia.contains { piece in
if case .newlines = piece {
return true
} else {
return false

// removes the start and end inserted above
if matches.count > 2 {
matches.remove(at: matches.count - 1)
matches.remove(at: 0)
var hasTrailingNewline: Bool {
trailingTrivia.contains { piece in
if case .newlines = piece {
return true
} else {
return false

// write changes to actual file
var hasTrailingLineComment: Bool {
trailingTrivia.contains { piece in
if case .lineComment = piece {
return true
} else {
return false

return {
Correction(ruleDescription: Self.description,
location: Location(file: file, characterOffset: $0.location))
var hasAllowedNoSpaceToken: Bool {
let allowedKinds = [
if case .newlines = trailingTrivia.first {
return true
} else if case .newlines = nextToken?.leadingTrivia.first {
return true
} else if let nextToken = nextToken, allowedKinds.contains(nextToken.tokenKind) {
return true
} else {
return false

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