REQUIRES WordPress 5.0+
This is a React component built for Gutenberg that allows you to attach pages and posts like AddBySearch in the WP 5.0+ editor.
cd to your custom block plugin directory.
npm install @vermilion/post-selector
* BLOCK: Block Name
// Import CSS.
import './style.scss';
import PostSelector from '@vermilion/post-selector';
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { Fragment, RawHTML } = wp.element;
const { InspectorControls } = wp.editor;
const { PanelBody } = wp.components;
registerBlockType('vermilion/post-selector', {
title: 'Post Selector',
category: 'widgets',
keywords: [''],
attributes: {
posts: {
type: 'array',
default: []
edit({ attributes, setAttributes }) {
return (
<PanelBody title="Post Selector">
onPostSelect={post => {
const updatedPosts = [...attributes.posts, post];
setAttributes({ posts: updatedPosts });
onChange={newValue => {
setAttributes({ posts: [...newValue] });
{ => (
save({ attributes }) {
{ => (
posts : <Post>[]
posts should refer to an attribute in your block that is of type: 'array'. this is used internally by the component to update, re-order, and control deletion of posts from the selction.
postType : <String> (optional)
pass the singular name of a custom or built-in post type to limit results to that type (optional).
data <String>[] (optional)
the data prop allows you to define an array of strings that map to object keys from the REST API. (does not support nesting right now).
onPostSelect : function => <Post>[]
onPostSelect runs when a user selects a new post from the suggestion list upon typing. It returns a new array of all selected posts and should replace the data in your posts attribute.
onChange: function => <Post>[]
onChange runs when the user reorders the array of posts or removes a post from the array. it returns a new array that should replace your posts attribute.
limit: <Number> (optional)
Limit the number of posts a user is allowed to select.