API Docs CompoDoc
# Start API
ng serve api
# Start Envoy proxy
docker-compose up envoy
## gen i18n
ng xi18n webapp
## serve
ng serve webapp --configuration=es
ng serve webapp --configuration=hi
## build
ng build webapp --configuration=hi
# You can also build the app with a specific locale:
ng build webapp --configuration=production,es
# build all
ng build --localize
ng build --prod --localize
Run ng deploy
to deploy demo app to firebase.
Analyzing bundle size yarn bundle-report
# To run these tasks you run:
nx run <project-name>:<task-name>
# To run a task for all affected projects use:
nx affected --target=<task-name>
nx run <project-name>:doc
nx affect --target=doc
ng run webapp:doc
# gen meta
# node tools/scripts/metagen.mjs
yarn gen:metadata