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2010 01 11 re linq now stand alone

Fabian Schmied edited this page Jan 11, 2010 · 1 revision

Published on January 11th, 2010 at 15:20

re-linq: Now stand-alone

I’ve already alluded to it on our mailing list, and now it’s official: starting with build 1.13.41, the re-linq assembly Remotion.Data.Linq.dll is now a stand-alone DLL. Over Christmas, Matthias Görtler spent quite a few hours rewriting those parts of re-linq that used to depend on the rest of re-motion. Here’s the result:

Dependencies in re-linq v1.13.40 Dependencies in re-linq v1.13.41
1.13.40: What a difference a reference makes… 1.13.41: Only standard libs, please

As you can see, the reference to Remotion.dll also added indirect dependencies on Remotion.Interfaces.dll, log4net, and Castle DynamicProxy 2. By removing that reference, re-linq now only depends on .NET framework assemblies. That should facilitate interoperability for projects that already use a specific version of log4net or DynamicProxy.

If you have any questions, just post them to our discussion group.

Our next step to facilitate interoperability will probably be support for partial trust scenarios. That includes addition of the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute (easy) and some investigation of whether re-linq is able to work in medium trust environments out of the box (not so easy).

So, if you happen to have experience with partial trust, medium trust, and/or permcalc, and want to help, feel free to do so! Just contact us by posting on the re-motion developers mailing list.

- Fabian


Steve Strong - January 11th, 2010 at 22:44

Awesome stuff! I’ve had an upgrade to the latest re-linq on my NH-Linq TODO list for some time, and this will be great to remove the other dependencies. Nice job!

Graham - January 17th, 2010 at 12:28


And, just to say, as an NH user I’m really grateful to you guys for your work on this as I’m sure it’s made Steve’s job easier :)

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