Clone this repo into the home directory as .dotfiles:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
CD into the directory and run the startup script:
bash startup.zsh
Clone this repo into the home directory as .dotfiles:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
CD into the directory and run the install script:
cd .dotfiles
Confirm that the dotfiles were saved correctly:
cd ~
ls -a
You should see only one of each dot file (.vimrc, .bashrc, etc)
vim .vimrc
This should look line the .vimrc file in the github repo
Install the vim packages with vundle:
to open vim
these next two commands are run from inside vim (any vim file)
:so ~/.vimrc
If there are issues with sourcing .vimrc or running :PluginInstall
you may want to try re-downloading and re-installing vundle: git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim