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Setting the expense items

Robin Dunlop edited this page Jan 29, 2014 · 2 revisions

Expense Items are things that can be bought by Registrants.

Each convention will have a different combination of expenses, at a different rate.

Expense Groups

An Expense Group should be created for each type of expense. Examples include T-Shirts, Registrations, Lodging, etc.

Expense Group Options


The name of the group

Info URL

If a URL is specified here, a link will be displayed on the "Items" page which will open a new window to this URL.


This should be used to hide expenses which are not managed by the user (ie: system expenses, or expenses which are NO LONGER available)

Position (display order)

Competitor Free Items / NonCompetitor Free Items

  • None Free - Normal Expense Group
  • One Free in Group - The user is allowed to choose any single Expense Item from this group for free, though additional expense items from this group will cost the normal amount
  • One Free of Each in Group - The user is allowed to choose One of EVERY expense item in this group for free, though additional expense items (more than the first) will cost the normal amount.


  • "One Free in Group", the user can choose "T-Shirt Medium", but has to pay for the "T-Shirt Large"
  • "One Free of Each in Group", the user can choose "Bus Ride Monday" AND "Bus Ride Tuesday", but has to pay for another "Bus Ride Monday"

Competitor Required / NonCompetitor Required

Use this to automatically choose an Expense Item for all competitors (or non-competitors).

Example: "Membership fees"

Expense Items

Expense Item Options

Has Details

Selecting this option causes a text-input to be displayed, allowing the user to specify additional information.

Has Custom Cost

Selecting this option allows the user to specify the cost of the item. (Useful for a "Donation" box)

Maximum Available

Selecting this option prevents users from selecting more options if the maximum number are reached.