SiriKit Permission Cordova Plugin for iOS
Author: Giulio Caruso aka rdn
Use the Cordova CLI and type in the following command:
cordova plugin add --variable SIRI_DESC=SiriKit Use
With this plug-in you can execute the native method requestSiriAuthorization
for use SiriKit.
The Plugin is only iOS Platform required iOS 10.0+.
cordova.plugins.SiriKitPermission.requestPermission(function(response) {
// success function
}, function() {
// failed function
response is flag (true/false) and identifies the state
true = INSiriAuthorizationStatusAuthorized
false = INSiriAuthorizationStatusDenied, INSiriAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined, INSiriAuthorizationStatusRestricted
cordova-plugin-sirikit-available is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.