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sfGuard plugin

The `sfGuardPlugin` is a symfony plugin that provides authentication and
authorization features above the standard security feature of symfony.

It gives you the model (user, group and permission objects) and the modules
(backend and frontend) to secure your symfony application in a minute in
a configurable plugin.


  * Install the plugin

        $ symfony plugin:install sfGuardPlugin

  * Rebuild your model

        $ symfony propel:build-model
        $ symfony propel:build-sql
        $ symfony propel:build-forms
        $ symfony propel:build-filters

  * Update your database tables by starting from scratch (it will delete all
    the existing tables, then re-create them):

        $ symfony propel:insert-sql

    or you can just create the new tables by using the generated SQL
    statements in `data/sql/plugins.sfGuardAuth.lib.model.schema.sql`

  * Enable one or more modules in your `settings.yml` (optional)
    * For your backend application:  sfGuardUser, sfGuardGroup, sfGuardPermission
    * For your frontend application: sfGuardAuth

                enabled_modules:      [default, sfGuardGroup, sfGuardUser, sfGuardPermission]

  * Clear you cache

        $ symfony cc

  * Optionally create a default user:

        $ symfony guard:create-user fabien $ecret

  * Optionally add the "Remember Me" filter to `filters.yml` above the security filter:

          class: sfGuardRememberMeFilter

        security: ~

Secure your application

To secure a symfony application:

  * Enable the module `sfGuardAuth` in `settings.yml`

            enabled_modules: [..., sfGuardAuth]

  * Change the default login and secure modules in `settings.yml`

        login_module:           sfGuardAuth
        login_action:           signin

        secure_module:          sfGuardAuth
        secure_action:          secure

  * Change the parent class in `myUser.class.php`

        class myUser extends sfGuardSecurityUser

  * Optionally add the following routing rules to `routing.yml`

          url:   /login
          param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: signin }

          url:   /logout
          param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: signout }

          url:   /request_password
          param: { module: sfGuardAuth, action: password }

  You can customize the `url` parameter of each route.
  N.B.: You must have a `@homepage` routing rule (used when a user sign out)

  These routes are automatically registered by the plugin if the module `sfGuardAuth`
  is enabled unless you defined `sf_guard_plugin_routes_register` to false
  in the `app.yml` configuration file:

            routes_register: false

  * Secure some modules or your entire application in `security.yml`

          is_secure: on

  * You're done. Now, if you try to access a secure page, you will be redirected
    to the login page.
    If you have loaded the default fixture file, try to login with `admin` as
    username and `admin` as password.

Manage your users, permissions and groups

To be able to manage your users, permissions and groups, `sfGuardPlugin` comes
with 3 modules that can be integrated in your backend application.
These modules are auto-generated thanks to the symfony admin generator.

  * Enable the modules in `settings.yml`

            enabled_modules: [..., sfGuardGroup, sfGuardPermission, sfGuardUser]

  * Access the modules with the default route:

Customize sfGuardAuth module templates

By default, `sfGuardAuth` module comes with 2 very simple templates:

  * `signinSuccess.php`
  * `secureSuccess.php`

If you want to customize one of these templates:

  * Create a `sfGuardAuth` module in your application (don't use the
    `init-module` task, just create a `sfGuardAuth` directory)

  * Create a template with the name of the template you want to customize in
    the `sfGuardAuth/templates` directory

  * symfony now renders your template instead of the default one

Customize `sfGuardAuth` module actions

If you want to customize or add methods to the sfGuardAuth:

  * Create a `sfGuardAuth` module in your application

  * Create an `actions.class.php` file in your `actions` directory that inherit
    from `BasesfGuardAuthActions` (don't forget to include the `BasesfGuardAuthActions`
    as it can't be autoloaded by symfony)



        class sfGuardAuthActions extends BasesfGuardAuthActions
          public function executeNewAction()
            return $this->renderText('This is a new sfGuardAuth action.');

`sfGuardSecurityUser` class

This class inherits from the `sfBasicSecurityUser` class from symfony and is
used for the `user` object in your symfony application.
(because you changed the `myUser` base class earlier)

So, to access it, you can use the standard `$this->getUser()` in your actions
or `$sf_user` in your templates.

`sfGuardSecurityUser` adds some methods:

  * `signIn()` and `signOut()` methods
  * `getGuardUser()` that returns the `sfGuardUser` object
  * a bunch of proxy methods to access directly the `sfGuardUser` object

For example, to get the current username:


    // or via the proxy method

Super administrator flag

`sfGuardPlugin` has a notion of super administrator. A user that is a super
administrator bypasses all credential checks.

The super administrator flag cannot be set on the web, you must set the flag
directly in the database or use the pake task:

    $ symfony guard:promote admin


`sfGuardPlugin` comes with a validator that you can use in your modules:

This validator is used by the `sfGuardAuth` module to validate a user and
password and automatically signin the user.

Customize the `sfGuardUser` model

The `sfGuardUser` model is quite simple. There is no `email` or `first_name`
or `birthday` columns. As you cannot add methods to the class, the `sfAuthPlugin`
gives you the possibility to define a user profile class.

By default, `sfGuardUser` looks for a `sfGuardUserProfile` class.

Here is a simple example of a `sfGuardProfile` class that you can add to `schema.yml`:

      _attributes: { phpName: sfGuardUserProfile }
      user_id:     { type: integer, foreignTable: sf_guard_user, foreignReference: id, required: true, onDelete: cascade }
      first_name:  varchar(20)
      last_name:   varchar(20)
      birthday:    date

You can now access the user profile via the user object:


    // or via the proxy method

The `getProfile()` method gets the associated user profile object or creates a
new one if none already exists.

When you delete a user, the associated profile is also deleted.

You can change the name of the user profile class and the foreign key name in

        profile_class:      sfGuardUserProfile
        profile_field_name: user_id

Check the user password with an external method

If you don't want to store the password in the database because you already
have a LDAP server, a .htaccess file or if you store your passwords in another
table, you can provide your own `checkPassword` callable (static method or
function) in `app.yml`:

        check_password_callable: [MyLDAPClass, checkPassword]

When symfony will call the `$this->getUser()->checkPassword()` method, it will
call your method or function. Your function must takes 2 parameters, the first
one is the username and the second one is the password. It must returns true
or false. Here is a template for such a function:

    function checkLDAPPassword($username, $password)
      $user = LDAP::getUser($username);
      if ($user->checkPassword($password))
        return true;
        return false;

Change the algorithm used to store passwords

By default, passwords are stored as a `sha1()` hash. But you can change this
with any callable in `app.yml`:

        algorithm_callable: [MyCryptoClass, MyCryptoMethod]


        algorithm_callable: md5

As the algorithm is stored for each user, you can change your mind later
without the need to regenerate all passwords for the current users.

Change the name or expiration period of the "Remember Me" cookie

By default, the "Remember Me" feature creates a cookie named `sfRemember`
that will last 15 days.  You can change this behavior in `app.yml`:

         remember_key_expiration_age:  2592000   # 30 days in seconds
         remember_cookie_name:         myAppRememberMe

Customize `sfGuardAuth` redirect handling

If you want to redirect the user to his profile after a success login or
define a logout site.

You can change the redirect values in `app.yml`:

        success_signin_url:      @my_route?param=value # the plugin use the referer as default
        success_signout_url:     module/action         # the plugin use the referer as default

Configure the signin form

You can change the signin form used by the `sfGuardAuth` module in `app.yml`:

        signin_form:    sfGuardFormSigninCustom


  * finish the `getPassword` method
  * add support for HTTP Basic authentication


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