An Editor for mapping relational Databases to RDF. This version is an early prototype. Do not use in production.
You will need:
npm install
bower install
To start the web app containing both the UI and the web service for the R2R designer, run:
lein run
Alternatively, you can build a standalone JAR file of the web app with:
lein ring uberjar
java -jar target/r2r-designer-{version}-standalone.jar
For development purposes, you can alse start the UI and the web service separately:
grunt serve
Web service:
lein repl
[in REPL]: (user/dev)
[in REPL]: (reset)
Note: Please make sure that you have built the Web UI (see above)!
Copyright © 2014 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e. V.
Distributed under the MIT License.