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Releases: rc0j/Xtweaks-debloater
Releases · rc0j/Xtweaks-debloater
v6.1 is out!
Hello everyone, hope y'all doing good. Here are the changes that comes with v6.1
- Project degoogle is finally finished you can find the lists in its respective folder.
- Minor modifications to readme thanks to @Jacobisaway making it more user friendly. (#1 , #2)
- Verzion bloat is causing system instability on some of our test devices. We're currently investigating this issue.
- None.
v6.0 is out!
Hello everyone, hope y'all doing good. Here are the changes that comes with v6.
- Added OEM folders. (Samsung lists goes in Samsung folder, you get it right? Cool)
- Added Samsung Tips.
- Added Samsung SmartThings.
- Added new and rework all Edge screen commands.
- Improve and added a new Bixby packages section.
- Minor issues related to bixby commands has been addressed.
- Verzion bloat is causing system instability on some of our test devices. We're currently investigating this issue.
- A complete overhaul of the Commands lists, with a new header, better spacing and a more cleaner simpler look. (Still in progress)
New logo
- The new logo is out! Hope you like it. Special thanks to Jakob for the final details.
v5.1 is out!
Change Logs
- Added Android 10 support (read misc for more info)
- Added Google Play Movies & TV
- Added Google Duo
- Added LinkedIn
- Added Hiya
- Added new edge screen widgets such as quick tools, Samsung internet panel.
- Removed backend analytics.
- Fixed minor issues experienced with some commands.
- Updated visuals on command lists.
- New release format for a cleaner look.
- Android 10 support: I've tested the commands on a Samsung Galaxy S9, and after 5 days of use it seems everything is running smoothly, but as always use with own risks.
- The next few updates will only be refinement updates, meaning they will only contain minor additions, fixes and other improves.
v5.0 is out! (New name, new everything!)
Main changes:
- Simsung Tweaks is now known as Xtweaks. (I named it Simsung tweaks as a pretty sh*tty joke lol)
- Simsung tweaks has gone onto a full rework from the ground up with a new name and better stability.
- With this release, I've completely rewritten the commands with Notepad support so there is no need to use other apps such as Notepad++ anymore to view the commands.
- With this release also comes some sad news, Xtweaks is officially dropping support for the twrp debloating method starting with this update. I'm sorry.
- I'll also be posting the commands.txt files here so there is no need to re-download everything when an update comes out.
Other changes:
- Updated the internal version naming scheme.
- Added a new pre-release section with stuff that I'm working on, so test and give me feedback.
- Added Verizon Bloatware.
- Added Yahoo bloatware.
- Removed all duplicates.
- Fixed a critical issue with the analytics.
- Fixed and updated some commands.
v4.2 is out!
Rooted Users:
- Fixed some minor issues with some Samsung apps.
- I might drop support for the twrp debloater soon due to various stability issues.
Non rooted users:
- "Other and misc" has been renamed to Leftovers.
v4.1.1 is out!
Happy New Year everyone!
QuickNote: I might be getting a job soon, so updates will take a little bit more time to come out. Thanks for your amazing support and love <3
- Fixed analytics.
- Reduced size.
- Fixed issues related to the Samsung drivers.
- Other misc. changes
- Fixed Facebook app not getting removed properly.
v4.0 is out!
Merry Xmas!
With this new version comes huge changes that should improve your debloating experience even more.
Rooted Users
- Updated Installation.txt
- Added Older version folder, this is where older versions of the debloater are going to be stored. Three versions at a time to keep the download size low.
- Recompiled with best compression quality to reduce file size.
- Minor changes to make your experience even better.
Non-rooted Users
- Added Samsung Pay.
- Added Vodafone bloat.
- Added Upday news.
- Added a new Analytics Section. This should remove all diagnostics, monitoring agents.
- Added Officehub.
- Fixed Svoice.
- Removed duplicate commands.