BAREBONES and LIGHTWEIGHT GatsbyJS Default Starter with Typescript, PostCSS, Storybook, & Tailwind CSS
BAREBONES and LIGHTWEIGHT GatsbyJS Default Starter, stripped of example styles and with the following additions:
- Storybook (latest)
- PostCSS
- TailwindCSS (v1.0+)
- TypeScript
- Styled Components (v5+)
- twin.macro for TailwindCSS integration into styled-components
- fully configured eslint (via xo)
- Prettier code-formatting
- lint-staged for Code Quality.
- Cypress for easy end-to-end testing
- Jest for unit testing
Perfect for your best JAMStack projects in 2020 and beyond!
gatsby new PROJECT_NAME
For a more detailed understanding on what's going on with this starter underneath the hood, check out the blog post written by rbutera on Medium:
To install all the required dependencies using Yarn, run yarn install
Then you can start the development server:
gatsby develop
By default the development server will be running on port 3000, so to visit it open a browser and go to https://localhost:3000
To develop components, run Storybook:
yarn storybook
By default Storybook runs on will be running on port 6006, so to visit it open a browser and go to https://localhost:6006
We have included an example <Logo />
component (complete with an example storybook story).
You can check these out at: ./src/components/layout/logo.tsx ./src/components/layout/logo.stories.tsx
See also the components for the index page
By the way, we've installed testing-library libraries for you for react, jest and cypress 😄
Unit testing is included using Jest, which has been preconfigured with jest-extended and jest-dom.
To run unit tests:
yarn test:unit:ci # run once, OR...
yarn test:unit:dev # ... run and watch for changes
End to End testing is included using Cypress.
Accessibility is automatically tested using cypress.test.js
To run end to end tests:
yarn test:e2e:ci # run once, OR...
yarn test:e2e:dev # ... run and watch for changes
- We intend to keep this starter lightweight, but also add some further opinionated customizations
- We admire the work in gatsby-universal and so we'll probably steal some of the features of that starter for this one.
- add typescript
- add postCSS
- remove default styles
- remove default styles
- write blog post
- add unit tests
- add favicon generation
- add other features from gatsby-universal
All contributions / suggestions are very very welcome! Please open an issue, PR or send an email to rbutera ([email protected])
Big thanks to the following people for contributing: