Releases: rbstabbins/sptk
Release v0.1
This is the initial release of the Spectral Parameters Toolkit (sptk).
This is the correct version to use when reproducing the results of the Stabbins et al 2024 paper: "Optimising ExoMars PanCam Multispectral Science II: Choosing and Using Multispectral Filters for Dynamic Planetary Surface Exploration with Linear Discriminant Analysis".
This version should be used when executing the accompanying notebook to the paper:
Stabbins, R., & Grindrod, P. (2024). The Spectral Parameters Toolkit (sptk): Notebook for "Optimising ExoMars PanCam Multispectral Science II: Choosing and Using Multispectral Filters for Dynamic Planetary Surface Exploration with Linear Discriminant Analysis" (0.1). Zenodo.
This is an update on the pre-release of the Spectral Parameters Toolkit, in preparation for the initial release.
This release now includes details of the repository DOI and instructions on how to cite.
Pre-release v0.1a1
This is the pre-release for the initial release of the Spectral Parameters Toolkit (sptk).
This release serves the purpose of testing the Zenodo-Github integration, and producing a DOI for the software version.