As the README title suggests, this is a simple python script that can be used to generate a QADBKEY
for the Quectel EG25-G modem used in the PinePhone. The original source by igem can be found here
To use this script, you must have the following:
- Some variant of Linux, macOS, BSD, whatever... as long as it's not Windows, this script should work.
Python >= 3
pySerial >= 3.5
- A
for the input, read here under theUnlock ADB Access
Enter the virtualenv and install the required Python dependencies using:
$ python -m venv .venv # generates a python virtualenv...
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Once you have obtained the prerequisites, run the script with either of the following commands:
$ ./ -d <device> [-b <baudrate> -t <timeout>] # device is usually /dev/ttyUSB2 @ 115200 baud on PinePhone.
$ python -d <device> [-b <baudrate> -t <timeout>] # device is usually /dev/ttyUSB2 @ 115200 baud on PinePhone.
- hornetfighter515 — Basic script structure and debugging.
- Ryan Bradley – Tweaking and debugging.