This miniapp is a simple use case of the Kokkos, MPI and PDI libraries for solving the linear heat equation on a 2D cartesian mesh with periodic boundary condition. In particular, it showcases the use of Kokkos::parallel_for, Kokkos::parallel_reduce
in a MPI context.
- Kokkos (
- MPI (
- PDI (
Kokkos allows to write architecture agnostic kernels (one kernel can compile on both CPUs and GPUs). MPI is used to perform a standard cartesian domain decomposition shared among the processes. PDI is used to seamlessly couple of the MPI simulation code with the parallel hdf5 library to handle I/O.
The computational domain is divided into multiple subdomains (black lines), each managed by a distinct MPI (Message Passing Interface) process. These MPI processes are responsible for their respective subdomains and communicate with adjacent processes. Within each process, parallelism is handled by Kokkos, enabling the use of OpenMP/Cuda/HIP. Additionally, each MPI process writes the data of its subdomain to the output file using the Parallel Data Interface (PDI).git clone --recurse-submodules
module load gcc/11.2.0/gcc-4.8.5 hdf5/1.10.7/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi openmpi/4.1.1/gcc-11.2.0 cuda/11.7.0/gcc-11.2.0 cmake/3.21.4/gcc-11.2.0
Note: Cuda is only necessary if compiling for Nvidia GPUs. For AMD GPUs, import HIP. For CPUs, no GPU library is needed.
cd heat-equation-hpc-tools/
cd vendor/pdi
mkdir build; cd build
make -j 16
make install
unset PDI_DIR
. ../../install_pdi/share/pdi/env.bash
. path_to_pdi_install/share/pdi/env.bash
cd heat-equation-hpc-tools/
mkdir build
cd build
For a single CPU per MPI process
For several CPUs per MPI process with OpenMP
For a Nvidia GPU per MPI process
for Nvidia A100DKokkos_ARCH_X=DKokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70
for Nvidia V100DKokkos_ARCH_X=DKokkos_ARCH_PASCAL60
for Nvidia P100
make -j 16
Use the slurm scripts in heat_equation/ copied in the build folder and adapted to your computing center to launch jobs
Use from your build directory to generate visual outputs
Initializes Kokkos, MPI and PDI instances and lauch the heat equation resolution.src/heat_equation.cpp
Standart heat equation solver. Includes the parameters choice (physical and numerical), Kokkos kernels for initialisation, finite difference update and reduction as well as the writing of the solution with PDI.src/mpi_decomposion.hpp
Class that contains all the MPI related routines: 2D cartesian decomposition, neighbors indexes and
Descriptive layer for PDI I/O.
- Kokkos+MPI implementation, by the Kokkos team (
- PDI implementation, by the PDI team (
Aymeric Millan, Thomas Padioleau, Julien Bigot