Written by Robert Bradley ([email protected]) on 30/12/2005. Updated 20/3/2006. Copyright (c) R. A. Bradley 30/12/2005.
This library makes it possible to convert Oxford dates to real dates and vice versa. It creates a new OxfordDate object to represent Oxford dates, and adds a .toOxfordDate() method to new Date objects.
OxfordDate objects have the following properties and methods:
: Term object reprsenting the termWeek
: Week in the termDay
: Day of the week (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)toRealDate()
: Return the real date represented by the object
This is the constructor for the Term object. The Term object has the following properties:
(Date object)term.TermName
term=new Term(new Date());
alert(term.TermName+" term "+term.StartDate.getYear()+" starts on "+term.StartDate.toString());
- 0=Hilary
- 1=Trinity
- 2=Long Vacation
- 3=Michaelmas
This function returns a Term object for the term and year specified.
term=CreateTerm(2006, 3);
alert("Michaelmas 2006 starts on "+term.StartDate.toString());
Create a new OxfordDate object. The term argument must be created using the CreateTerm function, or by passing in an existing OxfordDate's Term property.
oxDate=new OxfordDate(CreateTerm(2006, 0), 1, 0);// Sunday 1st week, Hilary 2006
today=(new Date()).toOxfordDate(); // Get today as an OxfordDate
oxDate2=new OxfordDate(today.Term, 5, 6);// Saturday 5th week of this current term