Zeta Disease Prediction for Carrier Inc by Raviteja Neravati
Mars Mission Control needs a good data-driven system for predicting Zeta Disease infection on the International Mars Colony.
Used the _zeta-disease_training-data_
dataset to build a model that can predict who will be infected by Zeta Disease.
Applied multiple ML models to the _zeta-disease_prediction-data_
dataset to predict who will be infected by Zeta Disease and choosed the best one based on the highest score.
The dataset includes 9 columns with information on 800 people.
- age : in years
- weight : body weight in pounds (lbs)
- bmi : Body Mass Index (weight in kg/(height in m)2)
- blood_pressure : resting blood pressure (mm Hg)
- insulin_test : inuslin test value
- liver_stress_test : liver_stress_test value
- cardio_stress_test : cardio_stress_test value
- years_smoking : number of years of smoking
- zeta_disease : 1 = yes; 0 = no
- Descriptive Study - looking at the Histogram of the columns
- Standardised the continous variables
- Splitted the data in to 80/20 ratio
- Trained KNN, SVM, DT, and RF classification models and performed model evaluation on test data
- choosen the best model (SVM - high score) and predicted the Zeta_Disease (1 = yes, 0 = No)