- Navigating
- Fork the repository
- Note: This creates a new copy of my demo repo under your GitHub user account, including all the code, branches & commits from the original repo
- Then cloning it to your local system by:
- On GitHub, navigating to the main page of YOUR copy of the repository ( where xxx is your username)
- Clicking on the green code button
- Clone with HTTPS, SSH or GitHub CLI
- Openning terminal & changing the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory
- Typing: git clone & pasting the URL copied earlier e.g., git clone
- Pressing Enter
- Making a new branch e.g., git checkout -b [the desired name for your new branch]
- Create a new remote for the upstream repo
- Note: "upstream repo" refers to the original repo you created your fork from
- Do this by the following command: git remote add upstream [link to Rafael's original repository]
- Making your changes
- Pushing it to your repository
- Clicking the Compare & pull request button
- Clicking create pull request to open a new pull request
- ravescovi
- collela2
- cdballou