API for sharing data stored in SharedPreferences between android apps/processes using a ContentProvider
Consider you have two apps and App X wants to share some data that it stores in its SharedPreferences with App Y
App X will save Preferences the normal way.
//Confused? Check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3783848/android-possible-to-have-multiple-distinct-shared-preferences-per-app
SharedPreferences configurationPrefs = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(SharedPreferenceAPI.CONFIGURATION_PREFERENCE_FILE_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = configurationPrefs.edit();
editor.putInt(INT_KEY, INT_VALUE);
editor.putFloat(FLOAT_KEY, FLOAT_VALUE);
editor.putLong(LONG_KEY, LONG_VALUE);
editor.putString(STRING_KEY, STRING_VALUE);
editor.putBoolean(BOOLEAN_KEY, BOOL_VALUE);
Log.d(TAG, "Wrote configuration prefs");
App X will include the API backend i.e SharedPreferenceAPI.java
and add the below to its AndroidManifest.xml
Note that if you know that all apps that might consume data from your App X will be created by you and you would like to keep things private, change exported=false
In that case all your other apps would need to have the same android:sharedUserId
as used by this app in its manifest. Also the other apps would need to be exported as APKs with the same cerificate as the App X.
Now App Y wants to access App X's data.
Include SharedPreferenceAPIClient.java
within App Y.
App Y will need to know the authority which can be considered as the root api url which App X will share with it.
Now wherever you need the data do,
SharedPreferenceAPIClient apiClient = new SharedPreferenceAPIClient(getApplicationContext(), getApplicationContext().getString(R.string.api_authority));
And use the client to fetch the data you want
apiClient.getString("one_key_that_rules_them_all_key_name", "a_default_if_not_found");
apiClient.getFloat("float_key", 0.0f);
App Y can now access App X data.
The default implementation is only for Read Only Access but this can easily be extended to Inserting, Modifying or Deleting values.
That's it!