API server for orienteering competitions. The current implementation is focussed on single races and not suited for relays, team orienteering and other special forms of orienteering. The result data is retrieved from o-l.ch (SOLV - swiss orienteering) and so currently only data from that backend is available.
The web server is based on expressjs.
You have to install nodejs (http://nodejs.org/) and then you can simply type
node index.js
This starts a simple webserver that provides the following routes (for complete reference check index.js):
list of events per year (query parameter year, defaults to current year)
event overview for particular event
categories overview for particular event
category details for particular category of event
courses overview for particular event
course details for particular course of event
legs overview for particular event
leg details for particular leg of event
controls overview for particular event
control details for particular control of event
list of runners per event
The local store is implemented as a file store with the following folder structure: