algoV is algorithm visulizer lib written in C with SDL.
Before proceding make sure to have propaly installed SDL in your system. Building the porject simple exectue the make file .
make # the output will appear in the out folder
make run
# or
# execut the porgram
It is the main data type that holds information about the app window:
typedef struct{
Data *data; // ->array of data
int size; // ->size of data;
} App;
It represent the data and its state during the visulization:
typedef struct{
int value; // value the DATA holds
uint8_t color[4]; // color to draw it in the scren
} Data;
used to Initillized app its important to execute it once before u execute any other function.
Used to free app resoources, call it free all the resources held by app (i.e before the end ;of program or after all drawing exectuion is finished rendering );
Allocated resoources for data and gnerates random disturbation of data form start to finish with given interval
calling generate_data() auto frees previously Allocated resoources
This function changes the color of given data for visulizaion. It is also causes delay depending on the anumation_sleep for running smooth aniation.
__COLOR__ is an enum type used to reprsent state of data in visulization.
typedef enum
} __COLOR__;
__ACTIVE__ -> represent the data is currently being selected by algorithm.
__DEACTIVE__ -> the data remains to be computed by algorithm.
__STATIC__ -> the data is already sorted and is now never touched by the algorithm.
As the name suggest it swaps the two data with visulizaiotin. Like set_state, it is also caluse delay and uses __COLOR__ to visulied the data being swapped.
Calling this function statr to draw the data and run the algorithm functition (void *func) .
!! Before calling draw_data() make sure u have called init_data() && generate_data() !!
!! Make sure the void func is of type void (func)(Data ,int)!!
!! Its important that your func function in eroor freee
!! Make sure to use functon such as set_state() && swap_with_visulization() only inside void* fun !!
example to show case the use of the data types and function duscssed above:
#include "algo_v.h"
void myAlgo(Data* data,int size){
// simply loop throught the data coloring each data
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
int main(){
App app;
One can take an already codede algorith and with little changes be ready to visulize it. Here is a step by step guide for how one would wite a algorith to be visulize.
- Create a new file header file (lets say myAlgo.h) .
/*file name: myAlgo.h*/
#include "algo_v.h" // header file with controll visulization
- Now we are about to write an algorith. Its important that you write your algorith in following funciton defination:
void algorith_name(Data *data,int size);
// Data *data -> consist of array of data to be sorted;
// int size -> size of data;
for this example we are going to write algorith of insertation sort.
/*file name: myAlgo.h*/
#include "algo_v.h" // header file with controll visulization
void insertation_sort(Data *data,int size){
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++){
if(data[j].value<data[i].value) swap_with_visulization(data+i,data+j);
!! Make sure You look the API above to undrastand what each function call is doing !!
- open the file cli.h and import Your file and register ur algorithm inside route.
/*file name: cli.h*/
#include "algo_v.h"
#include "algorithms.h"
#include "myAlgo.h" // Your hearder file consting of algorithm.
typedef struct{
char name[20];
void (*algorithm)(Data *,int);
} Route;
static Route route[]={{.name="Linear Sort",.algorithm=&linear_sort},
{.name="Bubble Short",.algorithm=&bubble_sort},
{.name="Do Notthing",.algorithm=&do_notthing},
{.name="Insertation sort",algorith=&insertation_sort} //PLuging in your algorithm here.
- DONE! compline and run the code and you will be able to exectue your algorith with visulization.