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Double quote

Double quote #9026

Workflow file for this run

name: pr
- "pull-request/[0-9]+"
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
- checks
# - conda-cpp-build
# - conda-cpp-checks
# - conda-cpp-tests
# - conda-python-build
# - conda-python-cudf-tests
# - conda-python-other-tests
# - conda-java-tests
# - conda-notebook-tests
# - docs-build
- wheel-build-cudf
# - wheel-tests-cudf
# - wheel-build-dask-cudf
# - wheel-tests-dask-cudf
# - devcontainer
# - unit-tests-cudf-pandas
- pandas-tests
#- pandas-tests-diff
#- pandas-tests-diff-comment
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
enable_check_generated_files: false
# conda-cpp-build:
# needs: checks
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# conda-cpp-checks:
# needs: conda-cpp-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# enable_check_symbols: true
# conda-cpp-tests:
# needs: conda-cpp-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# conda-python-build:
# needs: conda-cpp-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# conda-python-cudf-tests:
# needs: conda-python-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# test_script: "ci/"
# conda-python-other-tests:
# # Tests for dask_cudf, custreamz, cudf_kafka are separated for CI parallelism
# needs: conda-python-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# test_script: "ci/"
# conda-java-tests:
# needs: conda-cpp-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# node_type: "gpu-v100-latest-1"
# arch: "amd64"
# container_image: "rapidsai/ci-conda:latest"
# run_script: "ci/"
# conda-notebook-tests:
# needs: conda-python-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# node_type: "gpu-v100-latest-1"
# arch: "amd64"
# container_image: "rapidsai/ci-conda:latest"
# run_script: "ci/"
# docs-build:
# needs: conda-python-build
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# node_type: "gpu-v100-latest-1"
# arch: "amd64"
# container_image: "rapidsai/ci-conda:latest"
# run_script: "ci/"
needs: checks
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
build_type: pull-request
build-2_28-wheels: "true"
script: "ci/"
# wheel-tests-cudf:
# needs: wheel-build-cudf
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_type: pull-request
# script: ci/
# wheel-build-dask-cudf:
# needs: wheel-build-cudf
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# matrix_filter: map(select(.ARCH == "amd64" and .PY_VER == "3.10" and (.CUDA_VER == "11.8.0" or .CUDA_VER == "12.0.1")))
# build_type: pull-request
# script: "ci/"
# wheel-tests-dask-cudf:
# needs: wheel-build-dask-cudf
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# matrix_filter: map(select(.ARCH == "amd64" and .PY_VER == "3.10" and (.CUDA_VER == "11.8.0" or .CUDA_VER == "12.0.1")))
# build_type: pull-request
# script: ci/
# devcontainer:
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# build_command: |
# sccache -z;
# build-all -DBUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON --verbose;
# sccache -s;
# unit-tests-cudf-pandas:
# needs: wheel-build-cudf
# secrets: inherit
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# matrix_filter: map(select(.ARCH == "amd64" and .PY_VER == "3.10" and (.CUDA_VER == "11.8.0" or .CUDA_VER == "12.0.1")))
# build_type: pull-request
# script: ci/cudf_pandas_scripts/
# run the Pandas unit tests using PR branch
needs: wheel-build-cudf
secrets: inherit
uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
matrix_filter: map(select(.ARCH == "amd64")) | max_by(.CUDA_VER) | [.]
build_type: pull-request
script: ci/cudf_pandas_scripts/pandas-tests/ pr
# # diff the results of running the Pandas unit tests and publish a job summary
# needs: [pandas-tests-main, pandas-tests-pr]
# secrets: inherit
# # This branch exports a `job_output` output that the downstream job reads.
# uses: rapidsai/shared-workflows/.github/workflows/[email protected]
# with:
# node_type: cpu4
# build_type: pull-request
# run_script: ci/cudf_pandas_scripts/pandas-tests/
# # Post comment of pass/fail rate on PR
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: pandas-tests-diff
# steps:
# - uses: actions/github-script@v6
# with:
# script: |
# const branch = process.env.GITHUB_REF_NAME;
# const prBranchPattern = new RegExp("^pull-request/[0-9]+$");
# if (!branch.match(prBranchPattern)) {
# throw new Error(`${branch} does not match PR branch pattern.`);
# }
# const summary_url = `${context.serverUrl}/${context.repo.owner}/${context.repo.repo}/actions/runs/${context.runId}`;
# const prNumber = branch.split("/")[1];
# const summary_comment = `${{ needs.pandas-tests-diff.outputs.job_output }}`;
# issue_number: prNumber,
# owner: context.repo.owner,
# repo: context.repo.repo,
# body: `${summary_comment}\n\nHere is [a link to the full test summary](${summary_url}).\n`
# })