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Translated into Chinese

ooof edited this page Jun 8, 2014 · 1 revision


  1. Search nodes
  2. Attributes
  3. Nodes
  4. Inbound Links from
  5. Outbound Links to
  6. Undirected links with
  7. Activate lens mode
  8. Deactivate lens mode
  9. Show edges
  10. Hide edges
  11. Zoom In
  12. Zoom Out
  13. Your browser cannot properly display this page. We recommend you use the latest Firefox or Chrome version

Chinese can be translated as:

  1. 搜索节点
  2. 属性
  3. 节点
  4. 连向自己
  5. 连向外面
  6. 无向网络
  7. 放大镜模式
  8. 关闭放大镜模式
  9. 显示边缘
  10. 隐藏边
  11. 放大
  12. 缩小
  13. 您的浏览器不能正确显示此页面,我们建议您使用最新版的 Firefox 或 Chrome 浏览器
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