Command | Definition |
Ctrl + p | Go to next item |
Ctrl + n | Go to previous item |
Tab | Confirm selection |
Ctrl + Space | Preview suggestions |
Command | Definition |
gd | Open definition |
f | Format |
h | Hover |
od | Open float diagnostic |
[d | Go to next diagnostic |
]d | Go to previous diagnostic |
c | Open code actions |
rr | Rename |
Ctrl + h | Signature help |
A complete list of all the default mappings from telescope can be found here or using the command :help telescope.defaults.mappings
Live grep requires ripgrep. Make sure to have it installed!
Command | Definition |
fw | Grep string |
s | Live grep |
ff | Find files |
fg | Find git files |
gc | Display git commits |
b | Display buffer |
r | Display LSP references |
gi | Display LSP implementations |
ls | Display document symbols |
D | Display diagnostics |