Mutating Web-hook Deployment for ElasticStack injection in k8s and helm
Architecture of Top Down ElasticStack Deployment
Ensure that you are running a Kubernetes cluster with version greater than 1.9 by issuing the command
kubectl api-versions | grep
The result should be
Kuberenetes client version (kubectl) version greater than 1.12
The project is written using Go. Install Go for you OS by reffering the following link
The project uses dep as the dependency management tool for Go. Install dep by the following command
go get -u
Docker is used to create the container. It can be installed from ( Ubuntu users ) or ( Windows Users )
A Dockerhub account is required to push the MutatingWebhook Image to a central repo
For the mutatingwebhook to work the namespace must be injected with the following labels by using the following commands
kubectl label namespace ${namespace} namespace=${namespace} kubectl label namespace ${namespace} sidecar-injector=enabled
Building the Docker Image
To build the Docker Image issue the following command
Description of resource files
- filebeatyaml.yaml :- Contains the configmap of the filebeat.yml file
- injectionConfigmap :- Contains information of the details that would be injected into the containers
- logconf.yaml :- Contains the Logstash.conf file describing the pipeline of the Logstash container
- logpath-configmap.yaml :- Contains details of the log path locations of the contains which need sidecar injection. Additionally contains any environment variables that need be added
- logstash-collector.yaml :- Main deployment of the Logstash Collector
- Logstash-service.yaml :- Expose the Logstash container
- Logstash_s3_secrets.yaml :- Secrets for aws crednetials in Logstash s3 output plugin
- logstashyaml.yaml :- Configmap containing the logstash.yml file
- mutatingwebhookConfiguration.yaml :- Contains the mutatingwebhookConfiguration
- mutatingwebhookDeployment.yaml :- Contains the mutatingwebhook Deployment
- mutatingwebhookService.yaml :- Contains the service for exposing the mutating webhook
- :- Create Generate certificate suitable for use with an sidecar-injector webhook service.
All resource files are generated under the assumption of helm is being used to create the deployment