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A complete referential of hook and informations on each hook is located in modules/concepts/hooks/list-of-hooks/
This referential can be generated with a script, crawling all:
- PrestaShop (core) codebase
- all native modules
- all native themes
In the documentation, a hook is described in yaml format:
Title: string #name of the hook
hidden: boolean[true] #must be true
hookTitle: string #title for the description
description: string #description sentence
origin: string #core, module or theme
theme: string #theme name only if origin=theme
module: string #module name only if origin=module
url: string #url of the file on github
file: string #path of the file
- string #back office, front office or both
type: string #action or display
- string #old hook name or alias
array_return: boolean #true or false if the hook has an `$array_return` parameter set to `true`
check_exceptions: boolean #true or false if the hook has a `$check_exceptions` parameter set to `false`
chain: boolean #true or false if the hook has a `$chain` parameter set to `true`
This YAML structure enables the shortcode hookDescriptor
to generate an HTML page with condensed information for documentation, and allows the search script to search within this metadata.
Next, add the shortcode in the page's content:
{{% hookDescriptor %}}
Finally, if available, add a section with a code example and parameters details:
## Parameters details
## Call of the Hook in the origin file