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The Classic Hello World!!!

rancavil edited this page Jan 3, 2012 · 6 revisions

We will develop the classic hello world!!! like a SOAP web service.

Note 1: If you wanna learn how to install the tornado-webservice, you check the Prerequisites and Intalling tornado-webservices sections (steps 1 and 2) into the wiki:

The code of the web service Hello World is:

   import tornado.httpserver
   import tornado.ioloop
   from tornadows import soaphandler
   from tornadows import webservices
   from tornadows import xmltypes
   from tornadows.soaphandler import webservice

   class HelloWorldService(soaphandler.SoapHandler):
         """ Service that return the current temperature, not uses input parameters """
         def sayHello(self):
             return "Hello World!!!"
   if __name__ == '__main__':
       service = [('HelloWorldService',HelloWorldService)]
       app = webservices.WebService(service)
       ws  = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)

You can save the code in a file named

To running the code, you must execute:

   $ python

To access at the WSDL of the web service go to: http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldService?wsdl

Note 2: If you want test the web service from other machine on the net, you must replace localhost with the IP address of the machine that execute the service.

The operation sayHello() of the web service return a string with "Hello, World!!!". The operation not require input parameters.

Now we will testing the web service:

Step 1: We will creating a client to the web service with python-suds.

I use the python-suds-0.3.7 for the examples:

Create a file named

   import suds
   url = 'http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldService?wsdl'
   client = suds.client.Client(url,cache=None)
   # Here, are display the services characteristics
   print client
   # The sayHello() method responds
   print '**The service say : ',client.service.sayHello(),'**'

Step 2: Running the code.

   $ python

Step 3: See the results.

   Suds ( )  version: 0.3.7 GA  build: R580-20091016
   Service ( HelloWorldService ) tns="http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldService/sayHello"
      Prefixes (1)
         ns0 = "http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldService/sayHello"
      Ports (1):
            Methods (1):
            Types (1):

   **The service say :  Hello World!!!**

The response of the web service is Hello World!!!.