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How customize the returns values (a proposal).

rancavil edited this page Jul 15, 2012 · 3 revisions

You can customize the returns values using tornadows.complextypes.ComplexType.

The complextypes, allow us indicate the names of the attributes of a XML document, that will be use like web service return.

   import tornado.ioloop
   from tornadows import webservices
   from tornadows import xmltypes
   from tornadows.soaphandler  import SoapHandler
   from tornadows.complextypes import ComplexType
   from tornadows.soaphandler  import webservice

   class MyReturn(ComplexType):
        name = str
        age = int

   class DataService(SoapHandler):
        def getData(self,name):
            r = MyReturn()
   = name
            r.age = 21
            return r

   if __name__ == '__main__':
        service = [('DataService',DataService)]
        app = webservices.WebService(service)

The messages generated and returned by the web service are:

   <soapenv:Envelope xsi:schemaLocation="

Note: This web services was tested with SoapUI.

You can see how the subclass of ComplexType (MyReturn), it's converted to a XML Document.