The task is to implement a custom rate limiter middleware that limits the number of API requests allowed from a client within a specified time window. You are given a RateLimiterMiddleware class which implements the custom rate limiter middleware. Complete the middleware method which returns a middleware function that limits the number of requests from each client IP address based on the provided options: rateLimiterOptions. Also, complete the rateLimiterOptions which should define the maximum requests limit and a specified time window.
The constructor accepts an options object with the properties maxRequests and timeWindow.
- Initializes an empty Map instance as rateLimitStore to store the client IP addresses and their corresponding request data.
middleware method should:
Keep track of the request count and the timestamp of the first request for each client IP address.
Limit the number of requests based on the provided maxRequests and timeWindow options.
Retrieves the client's IP address from the request.
Retrieve the client's request data from rateLimitStore or initialize a new request data object with requestCount set to 0 and firstRequestTime set to the current timestamp.
If the client has exceeded the rate limit:
- Reset the X-RateLimit-Remaining header to 0
- Return a 429 status code and a JSON message "You have exceeded the rate limit. Please try again later."
If the client has not exceeded the rate limit:
- Increment the requestCount by 1
- Update the client's request data in the rateLimitStore
- If the difference between the current timestamp and firstRequestTime is greater than or equal to timeWindow, reset the requestCount to 1 and update firstRequestTime to the current timestamp.
- Set the X-RateLimit-Remaining header to the difference between maxRequests and the updated requestCount.
Include the following headers in the responses:
- X-RateLimit-Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed within the time window.
- Set the X-RateLimit-Limit header to the maxRequests value.
- X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests remaining within the current time window.
- Set the X-RateLimit-Reset header to the sum of firstRequestTime and timeWindow.
- X-RateLimit-Reset: The timestamp when the rate limit will be reset.
- Set the X-RateLimit-Remaining header to the difference between maxRequests and the updated requestCount
- X-RateLimit-Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed within the time window.
- Clears the rateLimitStore by calling its clear() method, effectively resetting the rate limit data for all clients.
- Define an object rateLimiterOptions with the properties maxRequests and timeWindow.
- The maxRequests property should be a number representing the maximum number of requests allowed within the time window.
- Set maxRequests to be 5
- The timeWindow property should be a number representing the time window duration (in milliseconds) to limit requests within.
- Set timeWindow to be 1000 (1 second).
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- Node Version: v14(LTS)
- Default Port: 8000
- run:
npm start
- install:
npm install
- test:
npm test