Partitioner interface caller
/* application implementation layer */
|___application.partitioner Partitioner Interface to autowired
|___application.partitioner.impl PartitionImpl Class implements Partitioner
|___application.partitioner.utils PartiionsUtils Interface to autowired
|___application.partitioner.utils.impl PartitionsUtilsImpl implements PartitionsUtils
/* domain Object layer */
|___domain.partitions Partitions Object contain a list Partition Object
|___domain.partitions.partition Partition Object contain a list of partitioned list
/* demo application */
/* the .gitignore hasn't been added to permete the upload of the partitioner-demo-v.1.0.jar for testing the implementation */
|___demo implementation 'App Class' (Java Application deployment AccessPoint) by partitioning method from the Launcher Class
|___demo.partitioner Launcher Class and some utilities for input buffer
This is spring boot application deployment mode.
- The Class com.adneom.partitioner.demo.App
allows you to deploy a demonstration application to test the implementation work as a Java Application
from the eclipse console or by calling the partitioner-demo-1.0.jar.
by the windows command line "java -jar partition-demo-1.0.jar"
- The Class com.adneom.partitioner.Application allows you to deploy the interface implementations into spring boot environment
and permet to @autowired the interface implementation from your project.
The Partitioner interface
This Interface offers two methods call
com.adneom.partitioner.application.Partitioner.partition(List<String> strList, Integer partitionMaxSize);
The first one will partition a list of String Object and return it, attributing maximum value per partition as parameters.
It will return a partitioned list of the strList parameter
com.adneom.partitioner.application.Partitioner.partition(Map<Integer partitionMaxSize, List<String> strList>);
The second one will partition a map of list Partition Object always depending of
the maximum value per partition as a key and the String list to partition
in the map parameters
It will return a list of Partitions Object of partitioned strList Map
The PartitionsUtils interface
This Interface offers a method checker
com.adneom.partitioner.application.utils.PartitionsUtils.checkPartitionsSize(List<String> strList, Integer partitionSize);
This method takes a String list and a Integer as parameters and checks if the partitioning requested is coherent
It will return FALSE if it's not coherent and TRUE if it is.
Build install
Update your dependencies (Maven -> Update Project)
Maven clean install
Maven build install
Run Junit tests
To get started you will need Maven Project
Install dependencies needed
Adding the partitioner-SNAPSHOT-V.1.0.0.jar generated after building the project as an External Jar in the Referencies Library
Using Partitions Object as Object response of the method Unit partitioning
Using a list of Partitions Objects in case you need to partition a Map of String values and its partition maximum size
Use @Autowired springbootframework to surcharge the interfaces
Call the implementation using interface surcharged into your implementations
Delopying spring boot framework