Learning new things and concepts in iOS/Swift in the Hacktoberfest 2019 season Inspired by HackingWithSwift Swiftober 2019 initiative.
I used playgrounds to practice and implement the code
- October 1st - Choosing Font using UIFontPickerViewController
- October 2nd - SwiftUI in Swift Playgrounds
- October 3rd - Showing a Relative Date and Time using RelativeDateTimeFormatter
- October 4th - Detecting your iOS App running on macOS Catalyst
- October 5th - Performing sentimental analysis on a string using NLTagger
- October 6th - Decoding JSON from the app bundle
- October 7th - Joining array of strings in a natural way
- October 8th - Modify Haptic Events using CHHapticParameterCurve
- October 9th - Using CoreImage filters the type-safe ways
- October 10th - Reloading table view while preserving selections
- October 11th - Converting Multi-Dimensional Array into a Single Array
- October 12th - Finding similar words for a search term using NLEmbedding
- October 13th - Compressing and Decompressing Data
- October 14th - How map(), flatMap() and compactMap() work and the differences between them
- October 15th - Unwrapping optionals in tests using XCTUnwrap
- October 16th - Creating advance UICollectionView Layouts (Compositonal Layouts)
- October 17th - Disabling Interactive swipe to dismiss for view controllers
- October 18th - Inout Parameters in a function
- October 19th - Support Low Data Mode during a URLRequest.allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess
- October 20th - Reading specific kinds of text using accessibilityTextualContext by VoiceOver
- October 21st - Disabling undo, redo, copy, and paste gestures using editingInteractionConfiguration
- October 22nd - Checking Haptic Support for Hardware Capabilities
- October 23rd - Benchmarking App Launch Time using XCTOSSignpostMetric.applicationLaunch
- October 24th - Check one date similar to anothe provided date
- October 25th - Setting clock time in iOS Simulator
- October 26th - When to use trailing/leading anchors and when to use left/right anchors
- October 27th - Making a network request wait for an internet connection
- October 28th - Converting camelCase and snake_case with Codable using keyEncoding strategy
- October 29th - Making operations wait until a previous operation is completed
- October 30th - Formatting Dates and Time Style and Converting Strings into Date using DateFormatter
- October 31st - Grouping User Notifications using thread identifier and summary arguments
Happy Learning!