The raiden api client wraps the API of raiden. It simplifies the usage of raiden's api to a few lines.
Use the package manager pip to install raiden API client.
pip install raiden_api_client
import raiden_api_client
raiden = raiden_api_client.RaidenAPIWrapper(ip="localhost", port=8545) # Parity running at localhost:8545
partner = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
amount = 1,
) # Transfering 1 Token to 0x00
Further examples can be found in the example folder.
- mint_tokens(receiver, token, amount) -> AttrDict
- register_token(token) -> AttrDict
- open_channel(partner, token, deposit, settle_timeout=500) -> AttrDict
- transfer(partner, token, amount, identifier=None ) -> AttrDict
- fund_channel(partner, token, deposit) -> AttrDict
- close_channel(partner, token) -> AttrDict
- leave_token_network(token) -> List[str]
- get_channels(token=None, partner=None) -> List[AttrDict]
- get_payments(partner=None, token=None) -> List[AttrDict]
- get_token_network(token=None) -> AttrDict
- get_raiden_version() -> AttrDict
- get_address() -> AttrDict
- get_pending_transfer(token=None, partner=None) -> List[AttrDict]
- get_connections() -> AttrDict
- get_node_status() -> AttrDict
Checkout the raiden api docs for further information about the returned objects.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.