Try not to add manual tasks here. If the script is missing something, just add it to the script. Ask Enric how.
This will add git and other tools for compiling gem extensions
xcode-select --install
ssh-keygen -t rsa -q -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -P ""
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
copy that output and add it to Github as new SSH key
Use your personal github if it's associated to Influitive or use influitive-server and ask for password
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
And install dependencies:
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install git postgresql node012 node4.2 memcached
Homebrew cask lets you package manage your common OS X Applications
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew cask install google-chrome sublime-text3 iterm
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
npm install --global gulp babel-cli karma-cli webpack
mkdir -p ~/Code/infl/devops
cd ~/Code/infl/devops
git clone
cd installerator
sudo gem install bundler
bundle exec soloist
Last two steps take a while; have some more coffee. You may have to re-enter password multiple times.
To install pow, vim modules, and atom's rubocop linter run
If pow
doesn't work make sure that the ~/.pow
folder is a symlink to
/Users/dev/.pow -> /Users/dev/Library/Application Support/Pow/Hosts
test it by going to You should get an Proxy Error not an Application Error
TODO: move the script into chef/soloist
cd ~/Code/infl
For each project of [ 'hub', 'narci-service', 'api', 'waldo', 'community' ]
cd <<project>>
gem install bundler # maybe?
rvm install ruby... # maybe
rake db:create db:schema:load # where applicable (will fail otherwise)
Gulp Stuff
npm install gulp -g
npm install
Open Rails console:
bundle exec rails c
c =
c.subdomain = "app" = "My company"
c =
c.subdomain = "philsfish" = "Annoying Company used in Tests"
Turn on servers
./script/foremanify # first time only
Get Integrations working:
cd engines/integrations
npm install
If you get Dalli::Server errors in your log, try...
brew info memcached
and follow the instructions to start up memcached
Complaining about libxml2? Try this:
brew install libxml2 bundle config build.nokogiri "--use-system-libraries --with-xml2-include=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/include/libxml2" bundle install
First make sure postgresql is installed:
brew install postgresql bundle config "--with-pg-config=/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.4.5/bin/pg_config" env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" bundle install
- Make sure RVM is installed:
rvm -v
- Make sure your folder has a
.rvm-version file
ls -la | grep .ruby-version
cd .
And try again.
Visit in your browser (you may need to type in the "http://") and see if things work. If not, :(
I prefer Alfred to Spotlight. Applications, double-click it. You will probably want to go to Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts and remove CMD-SPACE from Spotlight and assign that as the shortcut for Alfred.
I really miss this when I don't have it. Saves lots of time. Applications->ShiftIt Check open at login.
-- congrats!
cx toolbelt installation you can find it in the installerator recipes folder. copy it to /user/local/bin