- ./backend/ - contains development scripts, and Kubernetes and Docker configuration files
- ./backend/app - contains backend app source code
- ./frontend/android - contains the Android client source code
- ./frontend/external/ - contains sources of external Android client dependencies
backend/app/bin/www * Creates and starts the https web server
backend/app/models/userSchema.js * Contains the mongoose schema and model definition for user realted data used in local authentication.
backend/app/models/imageSchema.js * Contains the mongoose schema and model definition for storing images. Expiry of image records is set by reading 'SOURCE_IMAGE_LIFETIME' environment variable value here.
backend/app/models/imageDataSchema.js * Contains the mongoose schema and model definition for image related data and thumbnails.
backend/app/passportSetup * Contains files for passport middleware implementation which are used for local authentication.
backend/app/routes/index.js * Handles API calls to the backend.
backend/app/routes/ocr.js * Handles thumbnail creation and OCR.
backend/app/db.js * Connects backend to the mogodb replica set.
backend/app/app.js * Creates various variables and ties them to used packages, node functionality, routes and implement error handling.
Ubuntu 16.04 with the following installed:
- Docker
- Google Cloud SDK
- Kubernetes client
Tools can be installed by running the following script:
$ ./install_tools.sh
Create a Kubernetes cluster in Google Container Engine and deploy backend app by running the following script:
$ ./deploy.sh
- Recent JDK in JAVA_HOME or in path
- Recent Android SDK in ANDROID_HOME, with license agreements accepted:
- SDK build tools 22.0.1
- SDK Platform 22
- Android Support Repository
- Google Repository
To install prerequisites, run:
mkdir AndroidSDK
cd AndroidSDK
wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip
unzip tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip
./tools/bin/sdkmanager "build-tools;22.0.1" "platforms;android-22" "extras;google;m2repository" "extras;android;m2repository" "add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-22" "extras;google;google_play_services"
Accept license agreements, and run
export ANDROID_HOME=`pwd`
cd ..
You are now set for the next step.
Invoke following command in the root folder of the project. BACKEND_URI
should point to the
IP address or the domain name of the backend, and BACKEND_PORT
to the port of the backend.
$ (cd ./frontend/android; ./gradlew installDebug -PBACKEND_URI="<host>" -PBACKEND_PORT=<port> )
$ (cd ./frontend/android; ./gradlew installDebug -PBACKEND_URI="" -PBACKEND_PORT=443 )
The command will install the app to the attached device. The installed app is a DEBUG version for convenience reasons.
- All project requirements are satisfied
- Challenge: OAuth login has been implemented
- Challenge: Context-awareness offline mode. REMOTE and BENCHMARK modes are disabled when offline. Note that due to OAuth login, login still requires an internet connection.
The android application uses native libraries and a custom JNI wrapper for them.
For convenience reasons, these are provided in a precompiled form. Should you
want to recompile the libraries, you need to compile and configure dependencies
defined in frontend/external/libtessbinding/jni/
. Then you may invoke
ndk-build .
in frontend/external/libtessbinding
/frontend/android/app/src/main/assets/tessdata: * Tesseract training data
/frontend/android/app/src/main/jniLibs: * Precompiled native JNI glue libraries
/frontend/android/app/src/main/java/mcc_2016_g05_p2/niksula/hut/fi/android: * UI screens (Activities) used by the app
/frontend/android/app/src/main/java/mcc_2016_g05_p2/niksula/hut/fi/ocrdriver: * Glue code linking UI logic and OCR operations
/frontend/android/app/src/main/java/mcc_2016_g05_p2/niksula/hut/fi/ocrengine: * Java side of JNI wrapper for tesseract
/frontend/android/app/src/main/java/mcc_2016_g05_p2/niksula/hut/fi/asynctools: * Utils for async results.