Compiler Construction, mixed with a custom language and LLVM Kaleidoscope, brewed together and still not working.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Note: On debian-like systems, compilation may fail due to missing -ledit
. This should be detected and reported by cmake's LLVM detection package, but for some reason it it's not, or maybe the debian package for llvm-dev
is missing a dependency. Either way installing libedit-dev
solves the issue.
.$ cd build/ ./build$ cat ../examples/gcd.cco fun gcd (a : int, b : int) : int { var c : int; c := 0; while ( a != 0 ) { c := a; a := b % a; b := c; } return b; } ./build$ cat ../examples/gcd_main.cco extern fun gcd(a : int, b : int) : int; fun main() : int{ print(gcd(160,200)); print(gcd(160,250)); print(gcd(100,295)); } ./build$ ./CCoscope ../examples/gcd_main.cco ../examples/gcd.cco -o gcd Parsing ../examples/gcd_main.cco Found 1 prototypes and 1 function definitions. Writing out IR for module ../examples/gcd_main.cco to /tmp/fileEQzyoS.ll Executing: '/usr/bin/llc-3.6 /tmp/fileEQzyoS.ll -o /tmp/fileEH2ljC.s'... Executing: '/usr/bin/clang-3.6 -c /tmp/fileEH2ljC.s -o /tmp/fileQwySfm.o'... Parsing ../examples/gcd.cco Found 0 prototypes and 1 function definitions. Writing out IR for module ../examples/gcd.cco to /tmp/fileJN5jg6.ll Executing: '/usr/bin/llc-3.6 /tmp/fileJN5jg6.ll -o /tmp/filepZ2UgQ.s'... Executing: '/usr/bin/clang-3.6 -c /tmp/filepZ2UgQ.s -o /tmp/filelJfWiA.o'... Executing: '/usr/bin/clang-3.6 /tmp/fileQwySfm.o /tmp/filelJfWiA.o -o gcd'... ./build$ ./gcd 40 10 5 ./build$