git clone httos://
cd kali-docker
docker build -t kali .
docker run -it --rm kali
- git
- netexec
- nmap
- ssh
- python3, python3-pip, python3-venv
- pip3: requests, shcheck, ultimate_sitemap_parser
- python2.7, pip2
- ruby
- metasploit-framework, postgresql
- sslscan
- postfix
- golang
- subfinder
- nano
- httpx
- nuclei
- wpscan
- seclists
- hydra
- ffuf
- gobuster
- dirb
- searchsploit
- hping3
- tmux
- ngrok (
ngrok config add-authtoken <TOKEN>
- Every container initially runs a script to make metasploit and its database work properly
- python3-venv at /root has the pip3 base modules installed (
source python3-venv/bin/activate