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How to build an undulator in Design Mode

Michael Keilman edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

Step by step instructions for building an undulator.

This will reproduce the Undulator example, seen here:

From the Simulations page, click "New Simulation", enter a suitable name, and select a Beam Axis of "y". Save changes.

Sirepo will open a 3d view of the new simulation, which will be empty. Click the "Design" tab to begin building the magnet.

The Designer comprises a toolbar of available objects and tools (currently limited to Boxes and Groups), a list of the objects created, and a workspace in "plan" or "elevation" view.

To simplify construction, a single octant of the magnet will be built and then expanded using Radia's symmetry operations.

Start with a pole to be at the center of the full magnet. Drag a box into the workspace. Name it "Half Pole" and give it a size of (22.5, 2.5, 25) and a center of (11.25, 1.25, -22.5). Select the "Neodymium Iron Boron" and leave the magnetization at (0, 0, 0). Turn "Divide" on and use a division of (2, 2, 5). Select a suitable color and Save.



Next comes a magnet block and pole assembly that will be repeated for a number of periods. For the block, drag in a new box with following parameters:

  • Name: "Magnet Block"
  • Magnetization: (0, -1.2, 0)
  • Material: "Neodymium Iron Boron"
  • Divide: Yes
  • Num Divisions: (1, 3, 1)
  • Center: (16.25, 11.5, -33.5)
  • Size: (32.5, 18, 45)

For the pole, go to the Object list, mouse over "Half Pole" and click "Copy". Change these parameters:

  • Name: "Pole"
  • Center: (11.25, 23, -22.5)
  • Size: (22.5, 5, 25)

Now group the block and pole to manipulate them as a unit. Drag a group into the workspace. Name it "Magnet-Pole Pair". Add Magnet Block and Pole. Drag in a Clone Transform. 3 Copies. Alternate Fields Yes. Drag in Translate. Set to (0, 23, 0).

The last object is a terminating magnet block. Copy Magnet Block and change:

  • Name: "End Block"
  • Center: (16.25, 99, -33.5)
  • Size: (32.5, 9, 45)

Last apply the symmetries to the objects to form the full magnet. Drag in a group and name it "Octant". Add Half Pole, Magnet-Pole Pair, and End Block. Drag in 3 symmetries:

  • Symmetry: Perpendicular
  • Plane: (1, 0, 0)
  • Point: (0, 0, 0)
  • Symmetry: Parallel
  • Plane: (0, 0, 1)
  • Point: (0, 0, 0)
  • Symmetry: Perpendicular
  • Plane: (0, 1, 0)
  • Point: (0, 0, 0)

Click the Visualization tab to see the magnet in 3D.

TODO: add y-axis field evaluation line.

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