Infinity Cinema is an application in which you can read a brief description, view a gallery of photos of the film as well as its trailer without registration and completely free of charge, in short, find out everything about your favorite films. The app offers all the conveniences to access more information and save a movie to watch later. I have also created a forum system where you can find interesting categories and through them create a post in the selected category and communicate with different people on topics of interest to you. I am sure you will use the application with real pleasure. Don't forget to share your favorite movies online. ✌
- ASP.NET Core 6.0
- ASP.NET Core Areas
- Entity Framework Core 6.0
- SendGrid
- HtmlSanitizer
- TinyMCE
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Lazy Kit
- Moment.js
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- xUnit
- In-Memory Database
• Home Page: Shows the three highest rated movies. If the user is not sign in show jumbotron with beautiful design and buttons for "Register" and "Login" to can access watchlist. If the user is sign in show area with his up to first five saved movie if have any.
• If user have Admin role have access to admin area where can create, update and delete all entities in application. Also can delete movie and from "All" page.
• Forum System: For every category users can add posts, comments for posts and nested comments. User that create post can to delete it.
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details