A role that covers installation, basic configuration, and usage of plight. Plight is a application agnostic load balancer pool management tool.
This module should work on any Linux platform where plight can be installed. However this role will cover installation for EL or Fedora systems.
The following variables are used by this role and values are defined in defaults/main.yml:
plight_port: 10101
plight_host: # IP to bind webservice to, defaults to all
plight_user: plight
plight_group: plight
plight_log_accessfile: /var/log/plight/access.log # Path to access logs for plightd web service
plight_log_file: /var/log/plight/plight.log # Plight runtime logs
plight_log_level: INFO
plight_log_filesize: 1024000
plight_log_rotationcount: 10
plight_state_file: /var/tmp/node_disabled # File to be used by plight for determining state
plight_package_state: latest # If you want to ensure plight is installed, or current
- install - includes packages, configure, and service
- packages - configure yum repo and install plight package. Currently EL/Fedora only
- configure - populate plight.conf
- service - Enable and start plightd
- disable - Remove node from rotation
- enable - Add node to rotation
Install plight (runs through entire playbook, including disabling and enabling)
- hosts: servers
- plight
Disable a node for a deploy
- hosts: servers
- { role: plight, tags: ['disable'] }
Enable a node after a deploy
- hosts: servers
- { role: plight, tags: ['enable'] }
Greg Swift [email protected]