App that generates a log of key stats from visits to a news site.
Logs Analysis is a Python tool for exploring a large database with over a million rows through PostgreSQL queries, allowing to draw business conclusions from the data. The project mimics building an internal reporting tool for a newspaper site to discover what kind of articles the site's readers like. The database contains newspaper articles, information about their authors, as well as visitor logs for the website.
- Python 3
- The psycopg2 Python 3 library
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox version 5.1
- VM Configuration
The reporting tool was made to analyse a database 'news', with three tables containing information about articles, their authors and visitor logs, in order to answer three questions:
- What are the three most popular articles of all time?
- Who are the four most popular authors of all time?
- On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?
Each question is answered in a separate appropriately named function through a single select query to the database. The function returns a generator object from which a list containing a formatted string is acquired upon iteration. The list is then joined in main() before being printed to the terminal.
Install Vagrant and VirtualBox. Download the VM Configuration. Clone this logs-analysis into the FSND-Virtual-Machine/vagrant directory from the VM Configuration. Download the file and extract its contents into the logs-analysis diretory.
In order to have the VM configured with PostgreSQL and the needed Python modules cd into FSND-Virtual-Machine/vagrant where you have your Vagrantfile and run
vagrant up
You can then proceed to run
vagrant ssh
to connect to Vagrant from the terminal. When successfully connected to Vagrant run
cd /vagrant/logs-analysis
To set up the database run
psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
Install the PostgreSQL library for Python 3:
pip3 install psycopg2-binary
Run the program through
or by
chmod +x