Wondering how crowded is your favourite beach of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country)?
Based on pix2seq
, currently using ResNet-50 pretrained model, COCO object detection fine-tuned checkpoints.
Despite of being quite accurate out-of-the-box model, it fails sometimes. This is because the camera is too far from the people. This could be handled fine-tuning the model, but it would be a time consuming task... As a baseline, it is okay.
Clone the repository and the submodules with
$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/r3v1/crowded_beach.git
and finally, install the requirements (recommended using a virtual environment):
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Just run the Makefile in the root:
$ make download_checkpoints
Example of counting people in Kontxa beach with a threshold of 0.5, saving frames every 15 seconds:
$ python src/predict.py -b Kontxa -s -t 0.5 -d 15
Try adding to path modules pix2seq
and src
export PYTHONPATH=.:pix2seq