This is a collection of tools based off the Custom Elements Manifest. Each tool is designed to provide a better development experience when working with custom elements.
- CEM Custom JSDoc tags - A tool for mapping custom JSDoc tags to properties in the Custom Elements Manifest.
- CEM Inheritance - A tool for mapping inherited content (including class members, attributes, CSS parts, CSS variables, slots, and events) from parent classes in the Custom Elements Manifest.
- Expanded Types - a plugin for the CEM Analyzer to parse TypeScript types and provide usable information for tools.
- JetBrains Integration - a mapper to take the information captured in the CEM and generate the appropriate
file for JetBrains IDEs - JSX Integration - a custom type generator to convert the CEM data into usable types to integrate custom elements into non-React projects that use JSX templates
- Lazy-Loader - creates an entry point that developers can import to lazy-load custom elements.
- React Wrappers - a tool for generating react-compatible wrappers for custom elements
- SolidJS Integration - a custom type generator to convert the CEM data into usable types to integrate custom elements into SolidJS projects
- Svelte Integration - a custom type generator to convert the CEM data into usable types to integrate custom elements into Svelte projects
- Vue.js Integration - a custom type generator to convert the CEM data into usable types to integrate custom elements into Vue.js projects
- VS Code Integration - a mapper to take the information captured in the CEM and generate the appropriate HTML and CSS data files for for VS Code integration