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handle 0 and gaps in color/attr tables; #484
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edzer committed Jun 16, 2022
1 parent e9b394b commit 75cd3b2
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Showing 4 changed files with 49 additions and 54 deletions.
33 changes: 13 additions & 20 deletions R/raster.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,21 +109,13 @@ setAs("stars_proxy", "Raster", function(from) {
get_terra_levels = function(x, min_v) {
# create factor levels, as used by stars, from SpatRaster levels in a data.frame
# see
IDs = x[[1]]
if (any(IDs < 0))
levels = x[[1]]
if (any(levels < 0))
stop("negative IDs in SpatRaster levels not supported")
categories = x[[2]]
if (min(IDs) == 0) {
if (min_v == 0) # shift all:
IDs = IDs + 1
else { # remove ID 0:
categories = categories[IDs != 0]
IDs = IDs[IDs != 0]
ct = rep("_", max(IDs))
ct[IDs] = categories
ex = setdiff(0:max(levels), levels)
exclude = rep(FALSE, max(levels) + 1)
exclude[ex + 1] = TRUE # 0-based vector
list(levels = levels, labels = x[[2]], exclude = exclude)

#' @name st_as_stars
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,21 +171,22 @@ st_as_stars.SpatRaster = function(.x, ..., ignore_file = FALSE) {
setNames(ret, attr_name)
} else { # ignore_file TRUE:
v = terra::values(.x, mat = FALSE)
dim(v) = dim(.x)[c(2,1,3)]
dimv = dim(v) = dim(.x)[c(2,1,3)]
if (all(terra::is.factor(.x))) {
if (length(terra::levels(.x)) > 1)
warning("ignoring categories/levels for all but first layer")
if ((min_v <- min(v, na.rm = TRUE)) == 0) # +warn here?
v = v + 1
l = terra::levels(.x)[[1]]
if (inherits(l, "data.frame"))
l = get_terra_levels(l, min_v)
stop("terra levels should return a list of data.frame's; pls update terra")
colors = try(rgb(terra::coltab(.x)[[1]], maxColorValue = 255), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(colors, "try-error") || length(colors) == 0)
colors = NULL
else if (length(colors) == length(levels) + 1) # remove last color?
colors = colors[-length(colors)]
v = structure(v, class = "factor", levels = as.character(l), colors = colors)
#else if (length(colors) == length(levels) + 1) # remove last color?
# colors = colors[-length(colors)]
v = factor(as.vector(v), levels = l$levels, labels = l$labels)
v = structure(v, dim = dimv, colors = colors, exclude = l$exclude)
dimensions = list(
x = create_dimension(from = 1, to = dim(v)[1], offset = e[1],
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66 changes: 34 additions & 32 deletions R/read.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ is_functions = function(x) {
#' @param RAT character; raster attribute table column name to use as factor levels
#' @param tolerance numeric; passed on to \link{all.equal} for comparing dimension parameters.
#' @param ... passed on to \link{st_as_stars} if \code{curvilinear} was set
#' param exclude character; vector with category values to exclude
#' @return object of class \code{stars}
#' @details In case \code{.x} contains multiple files, they will all be read and combined with \link{c.stars}. Along which dimension, or how should objects be merged? If \code{along} is set to \code{NA} it will merge arrays as new attributes if all objects have identical dimensions, or else try to merge along time if a dimension called \code{time} indicates different time stamps. A single name (or positive value) for \code{along} will merge along that dimension, or create a new one if it does not already exist. If the arrays should be arranged along one of more dimensions with values (e.g. time stamps), a named list can passed to \code{along} to specify them; see example.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ read_stars = function(.x, ..., options = character(0), driver = character(0),
RasterIO = list(), proxy = is_functions(.x) || (!length(curvilinear) &&
is_big(.x, sub = sub, driver=driver, normalize_path = normalize_path, ...)),
curvilinear = character(0), normalize_path = TRUE, RAT = character(0),
tolerance = 1e-10) {
tolerance = 1e-10, exclude = "") {

x = if (is.list(.x)) {
f = function(y, np) enc2utf8char(maybe_normalizePath(y, np))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,49 +230,50 @@ read_stars = function(.x, ..., options = character(0), driver = character(0),
at = list() # skip it:
# FIXME: how to handle multiple color, category or attribute tables?
if (!proxy && (any(lengths(ct) > 0) || any(lengths(at) > 0))) {
r = range(data, na.rm = TRUE)
min_value = if (meta_data$ranges[1,2] == 1)
max_value = if (meta_data$ranges[1,4] == 1)
if (any(meta_data$ranges[1, c(2,4)] == 1))
if (any(meta_data$ranges[1, c(2,4)] == 1)) { # adjust data to min/max values from image metadata
r = range(data, na.rm = TRUE)
min_value = if (meta_data$ranges[1,2] == 1)
max_value = if (meta_data$ranges[1,4] == 1)
data[data < min_value | data > max_value] = NA
if (min_value < 0)
stop("categorical values should have minimum value >= 0")

if (any(lengths(ct) > 0)) {
# convert color table ct to a vector of R colors:
co = if (any(lengths(ct) > 0)) {
ct = ct[[ which(length(ct) > 0)[1] ]]
co = apply(ct, 1, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], maxColorValue = 255))
if (min_value > 0)
co = co[-seq_len(min_value)] # removes [0,...,(min_value-1)]
levels = seq(min_value, length.out = length(co))
apply(ct, 1, function(x) rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], maxColorValue = 255))
} else
co = NULL

if (min_value == 0) {
data = data + 1
warning("categorical data values starting at 0 are shifted with one to start at 1")

if (any(lengths(at) > 0)) {
# select attribute table: = which(lengths(at) > 0)[1]
which.column = if (length(RAT))
which(sapply(at[[]], class) == "character")[1]
at = at[[ ]][[ which.column ]]
if (min_value > 0)
at = at[-1]
if (min_value == 0)
max_value = max_value + 1
levels = at[1:max_value]
labels = at = at[[ ]][[ which.column ]]
levels = 0:(length(at) - 1)
if (length(exclude)) {
ex = at %in% exclude
labels = labels[!ex]
levels = levels[!ex]
min_value = min(levels)
if (!is.null(co))
co = co[!ex]
} else
ex = rep(FALSE, length(levels))
f = factor(as.vector(data), levels = levels, labels = labels)
} else {
f = factor(as.vector(data))
ex = rep(FALSE, length(levels(f)))

data = structure(data, class = "factor", levels = levels, colors = co)
data = structure(f, dim = dim(data), colors = co, exclude = ex)

dims = if (proxy) {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/stars.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ st_redimension.stars = function(x, new_dims = st_dimensions(x),
value = if (inherits(value, c("factor", "POSIXct")))
structure(rep(value, length.out = prod(dim(x))), dim = dim(x), colors = attr(value, "colors"),
rgba = attr(value, "rgba"))
rgba = attr(value, "rgba"), exclude = attr(value, "exclude"))
else if (!is.array(value) || !isTRUE(all.equal(dim(value), dim(x), check.attributes = FALSE)))
array(value, dim(x))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/subset.R
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Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
args[["drop"]] = FALSE
for (i in names(x))
x[[i]] = structure(eval(rlang::expr(x[[i]][ !!!args ])), levels = attr(x[[i]], "levels"),
colors = attr(x[[i]], "colors"))
colors = attr(x[[i]], "colors"), exclude = attr(x[[i]], "exclude"))

# now do dimensions:
if (do_select) {
Expand Down

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