- Tiny bits and useful snippets that I keep using everywhere.
- Too simple to become libraries. Just cut & paste.
- Cross-platform C/C++.
- Public Domain.
Snippet | Language | Domain |
tinyarc4.hpp | C++ | ARC4 stream cypher |
tinyassert.c | C/C++ | Old assert() macro with new tricks |
tinyatoi.c | C | atoi() implementation |
tinybenchmark.hpp | C++ | Benchmark code |
tinybsearch.c | C | Dichotomic binary search |
tinybsearch.cc | C++ | Dichotomic binary search |
tinybuild.h | C | Build macros |
tinydebug.h | C | Debug macros |
tinydefer.cc | C++ | Defer macro, Go style |
tinydir.cc | C++ | Directory listing |
tinydixy.c | C | Small YAML-subset config file parser |
tinydual.sh.bat | Bash | Dual bash/batch file |
tinyendian.c | C | Endianness conversions |
tinyerror.c | C | Error handling |
tinyfsm.c | C | Tight FSM |
tinygc.cc | C++ | Garbage collector (C++) |
tinyhexbase.c | C | Simple binary to ascii encoder |
tinyhexdump.c | C | Hexdump viewer |
tinyhuman.hpp | C++ | De/humanized numbers |
tinyini.c | C | Config parser (ini+) |
tinyjson5.c | C | JSON5/SJSON/JSON parser/writer |
tinylog.h | C | Logging utilities |
tinylogger.h | C | Simplest colorful logger |
tinylogger.hpp | C++ | Session logger |
tinymatch.c | C | Wildcard/pattern matching |
tinymime.c | C | MIME/file-type detection |
tinypipe.hpp | C++11 | Chainable pipes |
tinyprint.cc | C++ | Comma-based printer |
tinypulse.c | C | Digital pulses |
tinyroman.cc | C++ | Integer to roman literals |
tinystring.c | C | C string library |
tinystring.cc | C++ | C++ string utilities |
tinytga.c | C | TGA writer (fork) |
tinytime.cc | C++ | Timing utilities |
tinytodo.c | C | TODO() macro |
tinytty.c | C | Terminal utilities |
tinyunit.c | C | Unit-testing |
tinyuniso.cc | C++ | .iso/9960 unarchiver |
tinyuntar.cc | C++ | .tar unarchiver |
tinyunzip.cc | C++ | .zip unarchiver |
tinyvariant.cc | C++ | Variant class |
tinyvbyte.h | C | vbyte encoder/decoder (VLE) |
tinywav.c | C | WAV writer (fork) |
tinywtf.h | C/C++ | Portable host macros |
tinyzlib.cpp | C++ | zlib inflater |