An optimized Borsh (Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing) library for Python, written in C.
pip install qborsh
import qborsh
encoded = qborsh.String.encode("Hello world!")
decoded = qborsh.String.decode(encoded)
array_of_u8s = qborsh.Array[qborsh.U8, 5]
encoded = array_of_u8s.encode([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
decoded = array_of_u8s.decode(encoded)
import qborsh
class Example:
# Numeric types
u8_int: qborsh.U8
u16_int: qborsh.U16
u32_int: qborsh.U32
u64_int: qborsh.U64
u128_int: qborsh.U128
i8_int: qborsh.I8
i16_int: qborsh.I16
i32_int: qborsh.I32
i64_int: qborsh.I64
i128_int: qborsh.I128
f32_float: qborsh.F32
f64_float: qborsh.F64
# Bool, String, Bytes
bool_val: qborsh.Bool
string_val: qborsh.String
bytes_val: qborsh.Bytes
# Optionals
optional_val: qborsh.Optional[qborsh.U32]
# Collections
set_val: qborsh.Set[qborsh.U8]
vector_val: qborsh.Vector[qborsh.U16]
array_val: qborsh.Array[qborsh.U8, 5]
map_val: qborsh.Map[qborsh.U8, qborsh.String]
# Helpers
pubkey: qborsh.PubKey # Solana Base58 Encoded PubKey
padding: qborsh.Padding[qborsh.Array[qborsh.U8, 10]]
class ExampleNested:
example: Example
data = {
"u8_int": 255,
"u16_int": 65535,
"u32_int": 4294967295,
"u64_int": 18446744073709551615,
"u128_int": 340282366920938463463374607431768211455,
"i8_int": -128,
"i16_int": -32768,
"i32_int": -2147483648,
"i64_int": -9223372036854775808,
"i128_int": -170141183460469231731687303715884105728,
"f32_float": 3.4028234663852886e38,
"f64_float": 1.7976931348623157e308,
"bool_val": True,
"string_val": "Hello, World!",
"bytes_val": b"Hello, World!",
"optional_val": 42,
"set_val": {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
"vector_val": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"array_val": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"map_val": {1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"},
"pubkey": "B62qoNf6QJk9kXJfzr6z7Z1J6VrYv6bQfMz7zD7c5Z9M",
# Does not matter. Can be any value, or not present at all during
# serialization. Must be present during deserialization however.
"padding": "Does not matter. This is padding. Will write 0s.",
encoded = ExampleNested.encode({"example": data})
decoded = ExampleNested.decode(encoded)
# You may also do:
encoded = ExampleNested(example=data) # kwargs resolve to encoding.
decoded = ExampleNested(encoded) # args resolve to decoding.
There are three params to qborsh.schema
(defaults in code-block below):
import qborsh
validate: bool = False,
dotdict: bool = False,
exact_size: bool = True
class Example:
: Validate data keys during serialization. Checks if there are missing or extra keys when encoding only.dotdict
: Convert decoded dict into a dict with dot access for keys.exact_size
: IfTrue
, will returnNone
is called and the schema has variable-sized field(s).
The default size (in bytes) of buffers used throughout qborsh. If you expect very large or very small payloads, you may wish to adjust this. A too-small buffer may lead to more frequent resizing; a too-large buffer may waste memory on small payloads. Defaults to 512
import qborsh
or using environment variables:
Whether to use a global buffer for faster serialization/deserialization. Enabling this can reduce repeated allocations in the underlying C layer, providing up to ~20-40% speedup in small- and medium-sized schemas. For large schemas, the gain is smaller but still measurable. This is not thread-safe. Defaults to True
import qborsh
or using environment variables:
Whether to enable validation (range checks) in the C extension. Defaults to True
import qborsh
or using environment variables:
Comparing with another Python qborsh library:
Note that 'without val' means without schema validation.
--- Schema: Simple ---
borsh-construct => avg: 258.0539 ms (std: 3.5250 ms)
qborsh (with val) => avg: 36.9735 ms (std: 0.3608 ms)
qborsh (without val) => avg: 36.1387 ms (std: 1.8255 ms)
--- Schema: Medium ---
borsh-construct => avg: 334.0135 ms (std: 2.8085 ms)
qborsh (with val) => avg: 36.2419 ms (std: 0.7954 ms)
qborsh (without val) => avg: 36.5602 ms (std: 0.4150 ms)
--- Schema: Large ---
borsh-construct => avg: 641.5983 ms (std: 21.6217 ms)
qborsh (with val) => avg: 80.2482 ms (std: 2.8515 ms)
qborsh (without val) => avg: 67.7815 ms (std: 2.1862 ms)
See scripts/
for benchmarking details.